Professional Stoners


Active Member
I work a job where of they knew I smoked I would likely lose my job. I'd say I'm fairly successful for my age, I have degrees, a very well paying job, but I love smoking some herb. I don't smoke before or during work but once I get home I love lighting up a bowl. So what do I do, I keep both lives completely separate. At work if anyone status talking about pot I act dumb about it and say "yeah I tried it once". I also keep a low profile around people I know outside work. I'm sure there are others here that have the same problem, what do you do? Have you ever had any close calls.


Well-Known Member
i used to car pool with stoners, and we would get there early so we got time to you know. kill the smell and spray the car down with fabrezz lol, but one day manager found us when the car was still baked, every thing was skunky. we got a warning and got talked to individually . he said if he even smells it again ad get fired . ended up getting fired during downsizing but i think that day prolly put me as # 1 on the down size list lol

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
usually i have to say no thanks to my boss, he smokes like 4 jays a day. it just makes the day drag for me.


Well-Known Member
I live on a farm and pick up roadkill for a living. I smoke when I want without worry.


Well-Known Member
I work a job where of they knew I smoked I would likely lose my job. I'd say I'm fairly successful for my age, I have degrees, a very well paying job, but I love smoking some herb. I don't smoke before or during work but once I get home I love lighting up a bowl. So what do I do, I keep both lives completely separate. At work if anyone status talking about pot I act dumb about it and say "yeah I tried it once". I also keep a low profile around people I know outside work. I'm sure there are others here that have the same problem, what do you do? Have you ever had any close calls.
the time of your post was 4:20 am LOL you must not have to get up early and go to work. i work in a virtual world from home now, but when i did go out into corporate america, which i did for 20 years, i was usually stoned. no one knew. just keep ot to yourself and DON'T act like smoking pot is foreign to you or you never touched it, thats a kinda hard to believe these days :peace:

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I thought this thread was gonna be about getting paid to smoke. I was gonna get an application.

My bosses don't like me smoking while I work, but fuck em, I do what I want. I will at least not do it in the office. I will go back to the shop to do it.


Well-Known Member
Well it's a win lose situation. I make good money and shred everyday of the week when I get off work. If people would just wake up and treat pot like alcohol this wouldn't be a problem.
It's not about that man. I don't care if you save it for after work or not. In fact, what it comes down to is, you should be able to talk about it ESPECIALLY if you're conscientious enough to save it for after work. You can sit around the water cooler talking about how trashed you got last night, but we get fired for talking about smoking a joint? Fuck THAT kind of job.


Get what I'm saying??

This has nothing to do with "being a pothead who gets high all day" and has everything to do with being able to express oneself freely without fear of oppression, which you expressed plenty of in your first post I might add...


Well-Known Member
but that's not reality AN, the fact is it's illegal in all but a few states, a sad fact but reality and sometimes we all gotta play the game :peace:


Well-Known Member
but that's not reality AN, the fact is it's illegal in all but a few states, a sad fact but reality and sometimes we all gotta play the game :peace:
I've had plenty of jobs where it's okay to be who I am and talk about what I like. It's a matter of how far you're willing to bend over for money, in my opinion.

But then again, I've never had a particularly high paying job that would justify stuffing my beliefs. Maybe I would think differently if I made enough money. I don't know. But I've never been inclined to pursue such a role, because I don't like the idea of having to conform to others' beliefs just to get employment.

I've never had trouble finding work when I want to, period. And I've also never worked a job that drug tested me for more than about a day. And I've never had a boss that didn't know what I liked to do with my spare time. And I've never been fired for my preferences or beliefs, because I choose not to put myself in that situation.

Sorry if this is personal to those who do choose that path. It's personal to me, too, because I've been told time and time again by this nation as a whole that I'm a "bad little boy" for liking a certain plant. Tired of it.

P.S. Where we choose to live is a choice, end of story. If you're old enough to hold a job, you're old enough to move somewhere less rigid. That being said, I've held jobs in states without any sort of legalization/medical/decriminalization for roughly half my life.


Well-Known Member
i understand and agree with you alter but, lots of family men and woman, cant afford to do what they want, not with mouths to feed....peace


Well-Known Member
i understand and agree with you alter but, lots of family men and woman, cant afford to do what they want, not with mouths to feed....peace
Who got you into that shit in the first place? Ask yourself that. Also, I firmly believe that people can relocate to areas with more job availability and/or to an area where people are more open-minded with a family in tow or not.

I'm not trying to be rude or inconsiderate, I'm just being frank. I know it's not easy to have dependents and I know that sometimes we get ourselves into situations that are hard to work out... but, simply put, where there is a will, there is a way. People who surrender their own power, give up, and feel trapped in what they have, are choosing that fate by way of their own intentions. Those who intend to overcome adversity do so. It happens all the time, regardless of circumstance. You just have to really, really want it.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Most of my past jobs would have resulted i me losing my job due to being in charge of accounts and such. So what i did was i told them i am not easily replacable, this is the crack, now come back to me when you can show me that my performance is being effected. Always seems to work just fine.


Well-Known Member
My boss knows I smoke but she's cool about it. I just never bring it into the place of business and keep it an at hoe thing.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
My boss knows I smoke but she's cool about it. I just never bring it into the place of business and keep it an at hoe thing.
I just wish evEryone could be koo wit it, on and of the job... I could see if it ruins you or you get real obnoxious with it but I think if your old enough... Responsible use shouldnt be a problem


Well-Known Member
I have a visible weed leaf tattoo that I got after I had my job, and no one told me nuthing, not even a 'it looks great'.