The 2nd grow begins


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. While I am waiting for my first grow to finish flowering, I figured I would just start on a new one straight from seeds again. I did it from seeds again to test out different things and flower at a different time. Okay so here is the set up as of today.

Grow Room (Vegetation Room) AKA: Old fish tank

* 20 inch x 10 inch x 11 inch (deep) is that right?
* There are three 4 inch pots in the tank
* 2 seeds in 2 pots. 1 seed in 1 pot. (5 seeds collective)
* The entire tank is wrapped around (on the outside) with white paper. Works because inside is glass! :)
* On the each side there is a long CFL tube about a foot long. From the top there are 2 CFLs. Here are their information.
**1st Bulb: 120V, 60Hz, 14w, 200A
**2nd Bulb: 120V, 60Hz, 13w, 185MA
* (1) 12v 2.8w Computer fan I wrigged up that is blowing air in. There is a space on the end of the tank and you can feel the air coming out. Well circulated air.
*Timer on 10pm, off 2pm (16/8 )8)
*Green Thumb's All Purpose Potting Soil

Due to my limited space I had to put 2 seeds in 2 of the pots. I used the paper towel germination method and was a 100% successful. Planted seeds on 2/12/2007 and all were up by 2/18/2007. I only plan on keeping it in the tank until it can grow out of it. Below are pictures from today 2/20. What do you guys think? Let me know. Thanks.



Well-Known Member

I will only be updating about once a week or if something really important happens. All of the plants are now on their 6th day!! They all seem to be doing really well. All stems have very nice little hairs on them. I believe on is beginning to stretch, but you guys be the judge of that. Here are some pics. Tell me what you think so far. (I know there are 2 plants in 2 different pots. LACK OF SPACE!!) These plants are from last night around 11pm. Basically going into their 6th day of life.



Well-Known Member
with 2 in the same pot, the plant's roots are going 2 get bound 2gether and kill each other - or only 1 will live. U'r wasting plants by putting them together - if u dont have room i wud only grow as many as u can fit.


Well-Known Member

Helloe everyone. Told ya it would be about a week until the next update. :) Anyway, all the plants seem to be doing real well. I have been giving them a little water everyday because the soil seems to become dry pretty fast. Temperature ranges are from about 65 degrees to 80 degrees tops as the day goes on. All plants are standing strong and look very healthy. Below are some pics from today. Check them out. Sorry, I know some are a little blurry.



Well-Known Member
Good stuff. I'll be keeping an eye on this journal, I've only ever grown outside but am thinking about starting maybe 3-4 plants inside. Like you I don't have the room for HID and am a bit paranoid too :S so I would like to stick to fluoro's. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member

Ok so recently my plants have looked a little stunted. They stopped growing and the leaves began to droop. I think it was because of the potting soil I was using. The soil got really hard and I believe that led to the roots not being able to move and not getting any oxygen. So yesterday I went out and bought some good starting soil and plant food. This is what I purchased.

1. Jiffy Premium Seed Starting Soil and
2. Miracle Grow Organic Choice - All Purpose Organic Plant Food

I replanted all of the plants and used the Starting Soil which is really light so the roots can move around easier and then added 2 tablespoons of the plant food to each pot. The bag said it would slowly release nutrients for 2 months. Below are a few pics after transplant. I hope they get better. :)


the Pope

Active Member
i have 6 in one 5 gal bucket i am trying to make a big ass bush but my friends tell me they will kill each other i think otherwise
but we will see i guess wont we muhahahahhqahahahah my mom gave me this seed that she got from her guy and it is doing amazing she told me that there is only a cupple of that stran i know that it has some hash plant in it but we dont know what els it is my avatar pic take a look that is after 2 1/2 weeks i think it is doing great what do u guys think


Well-Known Member
i think you could have put atleast 8 seeds in each of those 4" pots.
I'm sure you're trying to help and thank you, but that is the worst idea I have ever heard. Maybe if I had a 10 gallon bucket, that would be okay. But 4 inch pots....I don't think so. I felt bad enough putting 2 in those pots.


Well-Known Member

Now that it has been a few days since the plants were re-potted they are looking a little better. I might have put more then enough nutes in the soil, but they seem to be adapting. There are already a few nodes on each plant. More pics of course!



Well-Known Member

There is good new and bad news concerning the plants. It seems that 3 out of 5 are looking pretty healthy, while 2 out of the 5 look like they have
Leprosy. Anyways, the plants are still in the same container. I replaced 1 bulb with a 26W 1700 lumen CFL. They have been getting misted everyday and watered when dry. Below are pics. Tell me what you think I should do about the plants that look like shit. They have weird spots on them and are drooping like crazy. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
its because there is two in there, there roots are tangled and there fighting for food which ends up with death of them both or just one of them.


Well-Known Member
its because there is two in there, there roots are tangled and there fighting for food which ends up with death of them both or just one of them.
I thought this was a possibility so I removed these plants from the grow "box". That didn't really make sense though because the other plants showed a very similar, but not as extreme discoloration. I went outside and removed the plants from the dirt very carefully and saw that each plants roots were not even near each other. They looked like they were going to die, but it definitely wasn't because their roots were strangling each other. Thanks for the feedback though. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Paulio... Thats not how you use rep points dude, and i am correct look at the one plant in the pot alone, it is fine because its only its roots sucking up nutrients and food... when you have two plants in one pot, there going to die just a matter of time, because there fighting for food and you have way to much water in there... since you gave me -rep here is some for being a dumbass and giving me neg rep.


Well-Known Member
Paulio... Thats not how you use rep points dude, and i am correct look at the one plant in the pot alone, it is fine because its only its roots sucking up nutrients and food... when you have two plants in one pot, there going to die just a matter of time, because there fighting for food and you have way to much water in there... since you gave me -rep here is some for being a dumbass and giving me neg rep.
Yes the one plant in the pot alone is doing fine, but has also shown the EXACT SAME discoloration as the two that were fucked up. If you look at the other pot with two in the same pot, they are doing just fine now. They all have the same spots on them, but that one pot just has more then the others. Maybe I put more plant food in that one then the others. I have grows with many more then 2 in the same pot before and have NEVER had a problem. They were even in the same pot for 3 months!!!!!

I gave you a negative reputation because even after supposedly reading my theory about putting too many nutes and that I have grown with more then 2 plants in a pot before you still neglected it. I am sorry that you got so worked up over a negative rep, but you were completely wrong and mislead my investigation of the supposed root problem. In THIS case you were wrong and I was right. I'm sure there are many other things that you know more about, but this was not one of them. Sucks that I had to lose reputation points because of your 100% incorrect reply. The only reason you gave me a negative was because I gave you one. In that case that is not just and is very childish. Maybe if you researched more and actually helped me out I would've given you a positive. I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles. Have a nice day and don't lose any sleep over your negative feedback.


Well-Known Member
lol many people... Many people will agree with me when i say dont plant more then one plant in a pot. pfft i tryed to help you out but you dont understand yet, i aslo have done that and the results end up as either one or both of them dieing.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I think we all know multiple plants in a pot is a bad idea but I think he knows that already.Id say the nutes may have burned it or from misting them with the type of light your using could have burned them.Those light cause hot spots and a drop of watre is a magnifying glass.If you have 7 or 8 bucks go to wal-mart and buy a garage shop light with the 2 4 foot floro.Works great for new plants and clones and if you want 2 or 3 can take you through veg stage on a tight budget and the heat is not an issue..Just my thoughts on it.Watch the nutes they wont need much this early if any.