They can not censor the internet, it is currently impossible with today's technology


New Member
How were they able to shut down the internet in Egypt though I'm no computer buff and I never really understood the how of how they did it. And also how does one protect ones self from the aforementioned how?
It can be shut down by shutting off providers and jamming signals, but it can not be censored or filtered. It can be ...but not very well...its very easy to get around and everyone will want to get around it because it won't work very well at all. It will be slow, not work at all a lot of the time, among other issues. To avoid some kind of firewall like china you have to use a proxy server (socks5/vpn/squid) which is you connect to another computer and use its Internet connection either manually or with software that does it automatically, its fairly rudimentary actually and its not complicated. They are proposing filtered DNS here which all you have to do is change your name servers on the connection properties, what a name server does essentially is translate IP NUMBERS into names and vice versa for example, with filtered DNS your ISP could make their nameservers resolve to something else. If you simply use a different name server you can resolve the addresses like normal or you could type the rollitup IP address manually.

To be honest I am being more than fair to even suggest that it would really just won't work..its new technology and its terrible.


New Member
If this legislation ever passed and actually went into effect for windows -

Not entirely accurate because I don't have a windows system to check it but this is the basic idea:
*Right Click your Internet Connection under adapter settings
*go to properties and highlight tcip/v4
*click properties
*go to dns settings
*add the following nameservers

There you go your around the super secret internet filtering


Well-Known Member
Nice I'm not gonna say I completely understand but I think I get the jist of it. What's to stop em from just turning the power off on it though? Maybe that's a dumb question but it seems plausible. Couldn't they just go to the servers and kill it? Also if someone were to take out let's say half of the servers would the internet still function? I am a idiot when it comes to this stuff lol. Isn't it all tied together?


New Member
It would still work for some people , and yes they could shut it off, but thats not the point really, the point is that they can't filter it.


Well-Known Member
The internet community knows more about the internet than the government does. They need to educate themselves before they can achieve an endeavor such as full internet censorship.

Besides, we can always step back to the old days internet. LAN up folks.


Well-Known Member
Alright I didn't mean to go off topic it just seems like that would be easier than filtering it. And I wouldn't put a full shut down past this government.


If you don't think the government can shut down anything on the internet they want to.. you'll silly. TV streaming sites get shut down everyday. was one of my favorites that got shut down like a year ago. If they shut down streaming webpages, they can shut down anything they want to. That simple.


New Member
If you don't think the government can shut down anything on the internet they want to.. you'll silly. TV streaming sites get shut down everyday. was one of my favorites that got shut down like a year ago. If they shut down streaming webpages, they can shut down anything they want to. That simple.
That is not usually the government doing that, it is lawyers with threats to the people hosting them, but in this case apparently it was, regardless this is shutting down specific sites and not filtering like they want.


Baby steps man haha, if you give them an inch they'll take a mile kinda thing. right now, there are certainly checkpoints that the government needs to go through to shut down webpages. but just imagine how easy it is for us to find websites and sign up for them... there are government officials and renegades alike that can hack the shit out of nearly anything on here. I dunno, man, but I can picture total government control over the internet


New Member
That's some real 1984 shit right there.
Yea really, the thought police heh, but yea I can agree they could go to each host provide a list of sites to take down with subpoena or something..I don't know if they could legally do such a thing really and that would only be U.S based sites so still its a stretch, there would need to be world government or war for them to really do it.
They can indefinitely jail you without trial though. possibly Discouraging the masses, or possibly stimulating them to revolt? i guess we'll see...