So are you saying you can add food coloring in the water and the bud will grow that color?? or they just dye the buds? wtf ?the coloring is usually added by people who sell their pot and they dye it diff colors so that it has more bag appeal.......ive done it as a novelty but id never do it to be able to charge more for a bag(but then again i dont sell either).
molasses is essentially the same thing thats in carbo load. the sugars make the buds swell out, so therefore they do get a little fatter, but its not like they get some ungodly amount fatter or anything.Molasses doesn't make buds bigger, molasses is used at the end of the plants life cycle, usually during a flush, because at the end of the plants life it pushes all of the sugars out of its leaves and stems into the buds as a last effort to help them reproduce. If you feed a shit load of sugar (molasses, cool-aid I guess could work too :S )to the plant during this time your buds end up being sweeter to smoke.
you have to cut it RIGHT OFF THE PLANT the whole stem holding the bud and then stick that stem in 1/4 cup of water and like 18 drops of food coloring