What plants nutritional/soil/sun needs are closest to weed?

Mister Black

Active Member
Firstly apologies if this has been asked already on this forum. I'm planning on growing some other plants besides weed and do not have a green fingers at all so thought I'd drop in and say hello anyway. Hopefully will be able to post on my adventures in that regard. So far my flowers have all died before getting out of seedling so not an auspicious start!

I'm planning on growing chillies,basil and some flowers as well as the obvious. My location does not have hyproponics shops or garden centers such as you might imagine them in the western world. There is also a language barrier. However if I can say or show the person down at the nursery the item I want to grow and the needs of that item just happen to co incide with that of weed then that might just work.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
From my experience, peppers take even more food. It could be the weather, tho'. Tomatoes for the win. Tomatoes don't like the Florida summer.

Mister Black

Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I love tomatoes. Looks like I'll be having a go at growing a few. I fear for the poor blighters as nothing I grow ever seems to live long!


Active Member
nothing I grow ever seems to live long!
That's what fruit trees are for. The real kind of fruit tree, the one that doesn't die every year.
Nothing like planting a foot tall sapling and watching it turn into a monster bearer every year. Said tree was a red loquat. I took an air layer. The trunk's diameter is 8 inches now after 6 years. Air layers are awesome.


Active Member
Mister Black,
There is a section on this awesome forum about/for gardens other than mj, as well as tons of nice growers willing to give you help advice where they are able. If your q pertains to other than mj plants though be sure its asked in gardening section for your own good, some like to be mean due to wongful posting and sometimes can become a big hassle, but none the less welcome to RIU hope we can help you when needed, hang around and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Ive wondered the same thing myself. i know tomatoes have similar requirements as mj but i don't know which others are like that.

Plants in general aren't hard to tend to once you've grown mj for awhile. its all pretty much the same concept. you want to water your plant completely until you get run off then let it sit till the pot gets light (lift test). water again...wait...repeat.

the hardest thing to figure out (imo) is what the plant needs nutrient wise as you wouldnt want to feed/buy the wrong food.

everything else is pretty much a standard for plants. water, light, pest control, etc.