help me i think my plants are retarded


ok well i have been growing for oh about 2 and a half years and i just got these new seeds from a buddie and ive seen the plant he got the seeds from and they are showing same characteristics everytime i grow..... except heres the problem they grow 2 and a half inches in the first 2 weeks.... then they stop growing and they only get 2 maybe 4 leafs no braches and they end up dying im growing indoor please help mee:leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
No one is psychic and will not be able to tell you anything with out more informaiton. lights,soil,nutes,temps, pictures of ur dead plants and a few of ur girl friend if she is hot.


haha maybe later for my girlfriends hot pics ;) i have 150$ lights that i got from a buddie i have everything all set and normal my temp i start out at about 85 degrees and humidity is 95 then i slowly drop it down but i usually cant even get that far with these and they are sativa and i run on 18 and 6 and then 12 12 after 4th week i have never had a problem like this and i feel like a noob at growing right now


i dont have any pictures at the time but they are acting fine right now im just wondering how to stop them from dying again


yeah they are set on a 12 12 timer so they alternate on and off and thats what it it say 400n23w cfl lights thats all ik


Active Member
Well with the little info provided it sound like your humidity is WAY too high and your temp is a little high too. Cannabis likes 70-80 F and 20-40% humidity or less
Some questions..
What kind of ventilation do you have?
What soil are you using?
What nutrients are you using?
Is there fresh air on your intake?

The more info the better


Well-Known Member
150 for cfl set up. You need to post pictures, 600w light with cool hood is only 200.


oh well my humidity has worked for my other strains this is the only one tht keeps on dying its not the seeds becase ive had other people grow it too and ok thanks so keep going lower and my ventilation is a hole in it attached to a tube that has this flow through thing idk what its called and im using miracle grow seed started with extra nitrogen for seed starting and more phospherous for vegatating and i have a co2 tank running into it and a i have fresh air running into it at all times