added some reflection and more light

I have my two seedlings that have been growing for a week now. I added some 90% reflective insulation around the plants and switched to four 100W equivalent 5000K cfls. There is also one 300W equivalent 2700k cfl well above the plants which is on about an 18/6 schedule. However, one seedling's leaves seem to be drooping down...

I have water them every other day, first staring with only 2 cups of water for the first two times and the last two times i have added about 6 cups of water to each pot. Any suggestions or does this seedling look fine? it may be a little difficult to tell but the one on the right isnt quite as perky as the other.


first post is linked below! and if you can tell the sprout seemed less droopy there


Well-Known Member
Dont water on a schedule, water when the pot drys out and becomes very light in weight to reduce drooping (overwatering).


Active Member
Its very hard to regulate your water with seedlings when you are in a pot that big. As the ohters said you are supposed to water by weight. The problem with that is with the size pots you are using it would take a seedling 3 weeks to go through that much water. I would suggest next time starting with a beer cup for seedlings, a couple weeks later pot it up to a one gallon pot, then go to your final pot a couple weeks after that. Good luck


Active Member
so far so good. I like to start mine in solo cups (just pop some holes in the bottom) its easier to keep the dirt moist that way
yeah i tried to lower that, it seems like every 3rd day is the best for watering in these pots. and im pouring right around the stem...just watered them and noticed some drooping of all the leaves


Active Member
Ah try using even less water then what you're using now but on a more frequent basis if you get what i mean. Still let it dry out, but say use 1 cup every second day that way you're giving them enough water to drink up but a lack of water so the roots really have to dig deeper in search for the water. But instantly drooping is no doubt caused by to much moisture. Test out yourself start with 1 cup and find out how long it takes for say 1-2 inchs deep into the soil to dry up.

Don't worry too much if the drooping lasts only an hour or 2, if the drooping gets worse you know your going over board with watering.
alright thanks a lot for the advice man! do you have any input on what type of bud either of these could be? indica or sativa? i only have about 3 1/2 to 4 ft of growing room


Active Member
You're going to want to pray for an indica then so you can just let it grow :P Or if you get a sativa you'll be controllen them the whole grow. But it's impossible to tell what type it is, wait a month or so then you'll be able to get some vivid opinions on it.
Both are looking great so far! I'm subscribed, have a couple of questions for ya... What soil are you using and do you have venting in that box?
thanks for the responses! and they are in miracle grow-spaghnum peat moss soil. Im not sure on the details of that stuff, but im going to get two more bags today for repotting and i could provide more info then. But it seems to be working so far! and on the bottom of the pots theres about an inch of pearl stones to help with drainage. I had a little accident with the lights falling on them the other night but they seem to have recovered no problem.

for the venting, i have a fan with a home-made cardboard pipe that pushes air right outside. I know its not high tech lol but you can feel the warm air flowing right out the other end. The temp stays right around 80 F and the humidity is from 25-40, a little low for veg but from what ive read thats perfect for flowering? any others suggestions would be great!