New Gardener Need Help!


My Clones are between 1-3 weeks old. They are turning white at the tops.
I'm using:
organic nutes and soil
1000 watt metal halide
room temp 81 degrees
ph is 7
I have had them about a week and a half in that time they have received:
Roots organic 2 times
Super Thrive 1 time
filtered water

Would love any help or advice! Thanks


Well-Known Member
unless you make some photos you'll get response like "too much nutes" or "not enough nutes" or "cal mag def". sounds to me like the light may be too close and its burnt them but there are no details included.


Well-Known Member
81 is kinda warm btw unless supplementing co2, which is as easy as buying a exhale bag.


Well-Known Member
fuck this is soil, and organic at that (although if I did soil I'd do organic too), goodbye!


New Member
unless you make some photos you'll get response like "too much nutes" or "not enough nutes" or "cal mag def". sounds to me like the light may be too close and its burnt them but there are no details included.
Agreed. Personally I would not use 1000w for cloes ever.


Well-Known Member
here is a shotgun answer.

you are doing it wrong.
Until you prove that statement false you are still wrong.

Please post pics for coherent and productive answers to your question.
just like what everyone said u should post pics of the plant so u can get the right answers. always post pics of plant if u are having problems with it.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Personally I would not use 1000w for cloes ever.
i use one cfl for my clones till they root. found they root faster when they barely have enough light to stay in veg. with the bubble cloner and the rapid rooters with a dome. uno cfl. i think its like a 68 watt 67k cfl which is pretty big but i use the one that one runs both my bubble cloner and my dome for the rapid rooters so i didnt have to wire up another cfl. but i could even go smaller. maybe a 30 watt for each max...


Well-Known Member
here is a shotgun answer.

you are doing it wrong.
Until you prove that statement false you are still wrong.

Please post pics for coherent and productive answers to your question. or retarded answers ur choice.

post above is just stating how i do things not how u should do them. i just found a way that works for me. u should practice and play around till u find a way too.