can i use incandescent as a source of heat?


Hey people, I have some seedling I just germinated and got to grow box is in my shed and it cold outside. Is their any way I can use incandescent bulbs to keep seedling warm? My cfl willalso being in their.


Well-Known Member
They ( MIGHT ) help add a little heat but i doubt it will be enough

Definitely wont help with the growth of your seedlings

You could just buy a cheap portable heater to put in their for $20 or less


New Member
Two words SPACE HEATER. I would ask why you have them outside to begin with but I am sure you have a good reason. But warm those girls or you may be hearing from the SPCCP- Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Cannabis Plants. LOL!


Cool thanks guys. I do plan on geting a space heater. Its just in get the heater. The reason why thry are in the sgkhed is one word WIFE!


Bkbbuds hahaha . I am thinking the same thing. My lil green ladies do come first. If by any chaces my wife sees this I am just kidding babe.