Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I can't wait! I only have a few more weeks left √How ya doing man, plants are getting big. Chop time will be fun!
Can't wait to make hash either!
Thanks man, I can't wait! I only have a few more weeks left √How ya doing man, plants are getting big. Chop time will be fun!
Bubble Bags! I don't have any right now, but I'll get some asap. I'm sure they'll be worth the money √ Any suggestions on what sizes?What ya gonna do with all of your trim?
Yeah man, that's what I'm saying....I'm sure hash would sell pretty well around here anyway. With all the "ballin drug dealers."i don't own any bags yet. i keep procrastinating on getting them. but if i do get bags i will get the one gallion bags, but i dont know how many bags in the set or what micron i should get. i have some research to do.
Thanks man, I can't wait! I only have a few more weeks left √
Can't wait to make hash either!
Bubble Bags! I don't have any right now, but I'll get some asap. I'm sure they'll be worth the money √ Any suggestions on what sizes?
i don't own any bags yet. i keep procrastinating on getting them. but if i do get bags i will get the one gallion bags, but i dont know how many bags in the set or what micron i should get. i have some research to do.
I'll bet! You've been pretty dry lately too haven't you, should make it even enjoyable!Your most important bags are going to be....90 micron or the 73 for your best stuff. 90 is a little better, you don't need both. Your smallest micron will be either a 45 or 20. I have the 20 and it's a little sludgy at that point and would have preferred the 45 instead. I have two work bags, the 220 and 160. They seem to work great and from there I go to the straight to the 73 (I don't have the 90 but have heard it's a little better than the 70). It's not really worth breaking it up into a bunch of different grades, two grades seem to be fine.
Definitely what I was looking for, thanks Gastanker!This place has cheap sets and individual bags.
Yeah man....Looks like I'm gonna be a loner for the rest of my life.....I havn't had one friend, except my girlfriend that hasn't fucked me over in some way....ever.muhfuccas get dirty during the holidays man. all i can say.
that sucks to hear man.... people suck!!! I give out the best of my karma for ya that it all works out for ya without to much stress and inconvenience!!!!! good luck dude!
That's fucked man. Just got the news that I'm moving as well. This moving every 6 months to a year thing is really getting annoying. Bastard roommates for keeping you in the dark.
Yeah man, I always heard that....been through 4-5 room mates so far, all been pretty easy. Still talk to them every now and then, and we left on good terms. But this time, definitely won't be the same. Thanks for the good words! √Sorry to hear about the news bro. Friends as roommates usually ends dirty and can sometimes end the friendship.
Hold your head high and do what you gotta do. Think Positive & Good Luck to ya!
I would Love you guys forever Lol....Applied to be a movie extra so I can get atleast a tiny bit of money to help out with rent. I'm gonna drop by the land lords tomorrow and see if I can atleast get him to let us stay here until the end of Feb. That way I have a little time to find a job, and save a deposit, as well as finish out this grow. rent for January is gonna be $250 + $100 for utilities, which really isn't that bad. Maybe the Caliband will finish up quick, and I can sell a zone of her for $400 √ Would atleast help me get by till I find a job √Maybe we can call out a broken arrow for psychild and come up with a grand. Ten fifteen people it would be doable. I'm in.