BBG (Baisic Bagseed Grow)

quick update on my compost. went to local boat launch and raked some leaves for a bit, now i have about 4 layers of "brown" matter and 4 layers of "green" material. all the "Brown" material is dead leaves while the "green" consists of a couple of 1/2 decayed pumpkins from halloween some coffe grounds, banannas that went bad apple cores and rabbit manure. i still have about 2-3 layers of leaves to add wich i have already gathered. sent my friend a e mail that owns a few horses and cows about some manure, hopefully she gets back to me and i can go get a nice full barrel of manure to add to the heap.

i still need to water the pile but its about 20F out right now and dont want my pile to freeze so im going to wait till wednesday morning when its supposed to get into the high 30's hopefully by then i have all my layers done and i can just add the water and hope it starts heating up.

anyone have any suiggestions on how to get this pile to get avtive quick i would love to hear them :)
anyone have any suiggestions on how to get this pile to get avtive quick i would love to hear them :)

Cut open a black trash bag and toss it on top - great at retaining moisture while gathering and retaining heat as well. More heat = more microbial activity.
Cut open a black trash bag and toss it on top - great at retaining moisture while gathering and retaining heat as well. More heat = more microbial activity.

i actually have a black pleather type tarp that came off the back of a pickup truck bed, you know them black covers people put on thier trucks? i may invest in a nice black tarp too.

i heard molasses is riddled with micro organisms? would watering in a tsp molases per gal of water be a good idea?

yes you can, it will grow abnormal for a bit as it reverses its life cycle 9 (they arent designed to go backwards) but you can do it and after a bit more of a wait they will straighten up ad be normal.

this is what i have gathered through reading. never tried it myself "disclaimer" LOL

Well, I'll second your opinion...and I *have* done it. As a matter of fact, I didn't know I could do that either, but someone on here told me to try it... well, my one and only plant (who I had hoped to save and do again because she was yummy) was like 2 days away from 7 weeks in flower...nice full buds already. But I clipped a small lower bud and rooted it. It took about 3 weeks before I saw anything happening, but happen it did!

Here's the bud when I first snipped it on 10/26:

And here she is last week:


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dam that is awsome Bluejeans, how long you gonna let alice veg for ?

i am currently tracking another friends journal and he also named one of his plants Alice....kinda funny :)
i actually have a black pleather type tarp that came off the back of a pickup truck bed, you know them black covers people put on thier trucks? i may invest in a nice black tarp too.

i heard molasses is riddled with micro organisms? would watering in a tsp molases per gal of water be a good idea?


Helps feed the micro organisms - hopefully doesn't contain any :) Should help some but definitely not necessary.
Helps feed the micro organisms - hopefully doesn't contain any :) Should help some but definitely not necessary.

where its so cold out i did about 2 tbls per 2 gal and watered in some warm water to the pile hopefully get things going in there. ill probally add my manure, water in about 10 more gallons of water/molasses cover it and turn it probally around the 9th of jan when i start working on my new grow room.
Hey man, hang in there they'll show in a week or so. I'm gonna hang with you if ya don't mind bro. Kinda newbie here. I never tried an indoor grow, just always outside. Been doing it outdoors for years now. Finished 3lb this past year, 10 plants. :D
I hope to get a 600w HID setup going in a 4x4x6 closet soon as I get moved. Hopefully by Febuary.

I think your plants are doing well. Hard to figure them out sometimes. I had a 6ft Afghan Kush die about a month from harvest this past year. Finally found the problem and that was CUTWORMS. The buds were still decent, but werent nothing like the other AK plant. Yours look to have a pretty good color to them now. I'd say they'll finish well under those CFL lights and screen.
Hey man, hang in there they'll show in a week or so. I'm gonna hang with you if ya don't mind bro. Kinda newbie here. I never tried an indoor grow, just always outside. Been doing it outdoors for years now. Finished 3lb this past year, 10 plants. :D
I hope to get a 600w HID setup going in a 4x4x6 closet soon as I get moved. Hopefully by Febuary.

I think your plants are doing well. Hard to figure them out sometimes. I had a 6ft Afghan Kush die about a month from harvest this past year. Finally found the problem and that was CUTWORMS. The buds were still decent, but werent nothing like the other AK plant. Yours look to have a pretty good color to them now. I'd say they'll finish well under those CFL lights and screen.

thanks man, great to have you :) hopefully all works out well for this grow and i get some buds by mid febuary, by then i will already have another grow underway. im thinking next grow is going to be 1 plant. gonna make sure i have a feminized seed and vegg the shit out of it forever and run a big ass ScROG setup. just followed another guys journal who got 17.5 Oz off 1 plant in a small stealth cab using the ScROG method so im going to try and follow in his footsteps only up the scale a little bit.