Any good remedies for sore throats?


Active Member
Benzocaine cough drops are by far the best - otherwise, warm milk, a humidifier, brownies (don't smoke of course)... gargling salt water is VERY helpful too, do that for sure. Particularly good for the scratchiness.


dont inhale your hits right away. fill your mouth with as much smoke as possible, wait a second and than inhale it. cools the smoke before you inhale it


Well-Known Member
Coat the throat with a few drops of honey. It's not a very long term solution but it helps right before a hit and after to soothe the throat. This is a trick that metal vocalists use I between songs when doin the death growl associated with that kind of metal.


Well-Known Member
i know some of you guys know the perfect thing for a sore throat so lets hear them!
Stop smoking weed would be one thing that would help.

Sorry to be a buzzkill.
Marijuana may be "medicine" for some, but that doesn't mean it can't be highly irritating to your throat!


Well-Known Member
Put a couple spoonfuls of honey in a small glass and slowly add whiskey until its as thin as water. Sip slowly and repeat as necessary.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Equal parts honey and lemon juice, it will coat the throat, lemon juice brings anti pathogenic properties. Stay away from cough syrup, a friend of mine died a year ago from an alergic reaction to cough syrup...


King Tut
i've always used equal parts honey, lemon juice and whiskey. Heat it in the microwave until too hot to drink and inhale the fumes until it is JUST cool enough to sip. Sip very slowly while continuing to inhale the fumes.

Never had to use this more than two nights to clear up a sore throat.

Tastes like shit.


Well-Known Member
i've always used equal parts honey, lemon juice and whiskey. Heat it in the microwave until too hot to drink and inhale the fumes until it is JUST cool enough to sip. Sip very slowly while continuing to inhale the fumes.

Never had to use this more than two nights to clear up a sore throat.

Tastes like shit.
Maybe im to much of a safety nerd but putting any type of alcohol in a microwave seems like a bad idea.


Honey is one best sore throat remedy add several teaspoons to 1 cup of hot water or herbal tea 2 times a day .Garlic as another aid to fight off infection against sore throats this two tips are very effective use this i hope you get good results


Well-Known Member
I am having some throat issues too and I bought a vape. The vape seems to help a bit but still scratches the throat and deposits gray matter that I cough up. Not convinced that vapes are as healthy as folks think.

I am brewing tea to try and help me cut back on smoking. It has worked very well. It's a pretty simple recipe. 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of water, and your ganja. I use 2 to 4 grams per brew. 4 grams knocks me on my rear after an hour or so and sticks with me for several hours. 2 grams seems to allow me to function socially with just a small glow. I have hip issues and I have found that the tea eases the pain a bit more than smoking.

Bring it up to a quick boil then reduce heat to a simmer for about 20 minutes. Keep an eye on it and stir occasionally. Strain and enjoy. You can use as a creamer for anything or just drink it straight. I would add some honey to sweeten it up a bit. My only question with this is that it is a bit spicy and I can't figure out why. I have eaten a bunch of ganja and have never noticed the spicyness. I will be trying teas of different strains to see if that makes any difference.
I just place some butter in a cup, get a kcup of black sweet tea, and in two minutes I've got a nice cup of tea. The above mentioned way will work if you don't have butter already made.
Ginger tea with honey and massage your lymph nodes in your neck for 10 minutes, 10 times a day, works for me, but I usually massage for 20mins. Gets all the gross gunk out of your lymph nodes. I was told by a good friend that your lymphs hurt/swell near the areas of infection hence why your neck lymphs hurt during a head cold/sore throat