What Will Life Be Like In 10-20-30 Years?


Well-Known Member
What do you predict? Try to be realistic.

I don't know how the economic situation will pan out, so it's tricky to get an accurate or realistic idea of what it might be like.

Flying cars and shit like that are just unrealistic, seem cumbersome and unnecessary for our needs. I see maybe a switch towards more sustainable, cleaner energy sources, hopefully electric, something clean and efficient. 10-20 years, we'll have that shit down pact.

Medical advancements. Lots of interesting stuff happening in the medical field, I just hope they get the funding they need to develop and experiment and make big things happen.

Religion. Vast declines in organized religion and those that claim a specific religious sect, perhaps we'll see increases in the amount of people who claim some form of 'spirituality' but don't believe in a personal god.

The revolutions that have been going on throughout the world seem like something big, different maybe? Maybe not... It's tough to be optimistic..

Probably the same bullshit in politics, I don't really see that changing..

50 years, what do you think it'll be like? I'll be 75, the year will be 2061. What kind of music will there be? What kind of movies? It seems like they've pretty much done just about everything that would seem interesting.. what the hell else is there? It's only every so often, maybe 3-5 years you get something unique and original, in the future, that length of time will get longer and longer.

What kinds of fashions will there be? Will America still be around as we see it today?

What do you think the future wil look like?
Great thread idea, Pad. I think things will get more and more interesting. People don't take into account the concept that knowledge is not just discovered/uncovered, new knowledge is also generated from existing knowledge. The rate at which we're making progress in most areas is increasing almost exponentially. Consider, it took humankind about 200,000 of evolution to get to language and symbols to record history some 10,000 or so years ago (if that). Rome and Greece rose and fell, but we came back some 2 thousand years later to the Renaissance and age of Reason, and discovered so much that was new and productive while keeping the best ideas of those cultures. Then, with the advent of the printing press, the information age really kicked into high gear. Everything changed with the Industrial Revolution: Every major advance that started to rapidly change the world has come in the last 200 years the assembly line, steam engines, cars, air travel, space exploration, electronics. Now, in this day of super powerful consumer PCs and the internet, things are exploding again. So much new knowledge generated from past knowledge. The computer industry esp. shows what an industry can do when there's little regulation, look at the power and speed from increasingly smaller devices at decreasing costs all in a few decades. It's unreal. Currently, we've decoded the genome, successfully cloned large mammals, are going to Mars and beyond, have kick-ass orbiting telescopes to view billions of light years into the cosmos, are great at generating nuclear energy, and we're on the verge of validating amazing theories of reality at CERN. I think the rate of making major discoveries and generating amazing knowledge will only increase as we go on. It's certainly is a great time to be alive!

P.S. Sorry for the stream-of-consciousness optimistic rambling, I just got back from partying with the boyz, drunk as hell and high on some killer new shit. Goodnight ;)
aquaponics (hydroponics w an aquarium farm for fish (usually commerically tilapia)) is the future because it is sustainable, attainable, and productive. Just need to see a little more support from the organic and sustainability folk. Politics will not change. Energy will continue to rise in price and demand. Education is where we will see big changes undoubtedly. Ever seen the marinovich project on ESPN? Well basically it was this guy who had a son who he superbred to become an elite athlete, i think there will be alot more of that type of thing...perhaps for profit??? I think its important to ask ourselves these questions because the future has a blank slate right now, we will write the future.
America will either go one of two ways A LOT more dumb laws or A LOT less dumb laws haven't quite figured it out yet but its lookin like we like to be dumb
really fun thread!! ill reply as soon as im done reading everything. plus rep bro!

i want to be optimistic so badly.. but its just so hard when you take a look at everyone in this country who is completely and utterly dependent on the system of capitalism. it just seems to me things are on a steady decline all over the world. we have 7billion people on this planet and counting, its going to get to the point (might even be now) where we don't have enough resources to sustain all the life on the planet. i think that 2012 would be the perfect time for another pearl harbor, or 9/11 attack as another excuse used to go to war. most everyone either thinks something is going to happen, or just plain wants something to happen for the sake of change, regardless if its a good or bad thing. like i said, just an idea... not something i believe or now, just thought. i think within 10 years there will be another world war, hopefully not nuclear... but its hard to think that it wont be. from my experience no one changes unless one of three things happen. 1. you are forced to change 2. you will yourself to change 3. something drastic (could be a good or bad thing) has to happen in order for you to change. i just wouldn't be surprised if some kind of historical catastrophe happens within the next 10 years.

don't like to be a damper, but its just so hard when all i see are zombies walking around, believing everything they are either told by their parents, or told by the tv. all on autopilot... solely dependent on the system, they do not want it to change or are just too scared of change. either way, i can only hope for the best... and try my best to be a good example to everyone i come in contact with.

just my 2cents worth of thoughts/ideas
Hate to burst the bubble, but in all likeliness the future is going to look like the movie Idiocracy. Watch it if you haven't.
yeah have different speech and signs was good?and all this knownegde is fantastic? are you nuts! you see how people talk on cell phones and use movies and tv to convey points instead of talking. fuck all that. since when did human kind become mandated to pursue speechless thought via tech? since the cell phone first started. this is horse shit. what about the people who will reject said tech advances because it does more harm than good. i sat with a bunch of people last night up till 3:00 listening to all that shit one dude 1! was blunt. everyone else had some kind of secret code. fuck that the tower of babel was destroyed for good reason. this time id love to see facedcooked fiends going nuts when the power goes out and they cant charge their shit. look at all this wether issues umm be warned its going to get worse wait till the sun cooks the power and nuke plans. one of the poles is already on melt down and has methane gas bubbling up. o an pen head viania has tape water you can light on fire cause of the natural gas leek. add that with all the volcanoes blowing up and this planet will explode from all the bullshit we did to harm what god gave us to protect. LET HUMANITY DYE, you never get away from high school the world is exactly like that these days everywhere so watch your back people. some say we came from apes "we're fucken so pathetic we must be monkeys"-scapegoat, vanity is the worst these days. enjoy your fake ass world. god said he'd swallow this p;ace in fire and i cant wait to watch it burn, i shall not be burnt by the flames of my transgressions. peace
I think the original poster is a little too optimistic im w/ George Carlin on this on...its gona be a smoking ball of shit...thats whats gona happen!

I just am not too optimistic about the future, maybe upc codes tattooed on us, marshall law that kinda thing.

I dont know what happened in the last 10 years maybe i just learned too much and saw what is really going on in the world or theres been a major decline in many aspects of the world like personal freedoms and more people doing fucked up things. theres no respect no decency no morals and people treat each other like shit. Theres this thing called honor and i know some people still have it, some people still care what there good name means. but many others will screw you over in a second for a nickel. I know lots of people that would screw there own mother over for a nickel.

It'l probably be one big shopping mall too, getin close already. If i have to go another 30 years of constant everyone and everything you look at and see trying to sell me something i may off myself before then.

but if were still around in 30 years my plants are going to be so godamn awesome. Cant wait to have 30 years experience growing pot...im gona blow some heads, not that i havent blown a few already with some other goodies.
Hate to burst the bubble, but in all likeliness the future is going to look like the movie Idiocracy. Watch it if you haven't.

I don't really agree ... that movie assumes a continuity of a high standard of living.

Imo what globalization has done is remove the one saving grace of former societal collapses: they were regional. I worry that we are building (maybe not within thirty years, but probably within a hundred) toward a global collapse of industry and quality of life. I foresee a great famine, with attendant convulsive wars. cn
Free energy. Sustainable, economical nuclear fusion/ geothermal/ antimatter for the whole planet creating a worldwide paradigm shift to more cooperation and fewer things to fight about. We will begin shifting from a type 0 civilization to a type I.
Free energy. Sustainable, economical nuclear fusion/ geothermal/ antimatter for the whole planet creating a worldwide paradigm shift to more cooperation and fewer things to fight about. We will begin shifting from a type 0 civilization to a type I.

That would be fucking awesome, I am hoping this is the case...
Free energy. Sustainable, economical nuclear fusion/ geothermal/ antimatter for the whole planet creating a worldwide paradigm shift to more cooperation and fewer things to fight about. We will begin shifting from a type 0 civilization to a type I.

How do you see that happening?
Free energy. Sustainable, economical nuclear fusion/ geothermal/ antimatter for the whole planet creating a worldwide paradigm shift to more cooperation and fewer things to fight about. We will begin shifting from a type 0 civilization to a type I.

The future moves at incredible speed !

Less than 30 years ago you couldn't buy a Cell Phone ..

I remember traveling across the U.S.A. on a train, Black and White T.V., AM Transistor Radios ...

Can't wait for the next 50 years, funny thing is, I may still be alive in 50 years. :joint::peace: