GE = general electric.
Equality, sadly, will never exist in the world so long as there is the idea of power. Hominids, especially homo sapiens, as a survival mechanism, feel safer with more power. Money is the modern day measure of your power. Meaning how much cash you got is equal to the power you have. Marx had the right idea, however, when countries "executed communism" they weren't actually communist. They were just tyrannies claiming to be communist, and since actual communism does not vibe well with capitalism the US decided that they were A OK with the pseudo communism leaders claiming that they were communist countries. Now even the word communism has negative connotation and everyone just starts claiming: "It'll never work!!!"
I actually read your posts this time around, and I'm sorry for initially coming off as a douche. As far as the history books are concerned, you can actually find multiple interpretations of history dating back to the 1600s. I remember when I was learning European history, the so called "grievances" that the colonists were facing was a load of horse shit. They were being taxed at 1/12 the rate of the LOWEST taxes in all of Europe. Basically the early Americans were just a bunch of assholes who wanted to get rich off of the resources in the land that they thought was theirs. The sad part about history is that you don't actually find out what really happens until you go to college or spend a whole lot of time in your library. At least that is true in the US, I don't know about other countries. Another funny story is how Californians got their land, but I'll save that for another time.