Battlefield 3

back to karkand is pretty maps, new weapons, and they did some updates to the game to fix some shit

its liek playing batlefield2 again kinda....and the 5 flag maps are dope!
lol you guys arent battlefield players thats all

people that have been playing battlefield since 1942 like me see insane things to come with bf3
1942 was the only bf i liked besides this one. i was soo glad they brought back wake islant, but i really dont like the other maps all that much. i mean they're good, but fuck i wanna play metro or an old map sometimes. i gotta say tho since the patch came out on ps3 that made it damn near impossible to throw c4 on a buggy/hummer and drive em into tanks...shit makes me sad lol that was one of fav things to do in the game! when you can dodge a tank shootin at you, line it up before it hits, jump out, and blow his ass deserve that kill in my book. i mean its realistic haha

man that conquest assault is pissin me off. i always get put on a shitty team and since the enemy has all the obj's they just trap you in your RU.....FAWK
this video hands down is the funniest shit ive seen on battlefield! hahahahahahaha

i just got it on xbox and ive been havin a lot more fun than playin mw3. that game just made me wanna break things.
Hey guys quick question. Im thinking about getting this game but i want to know can you fly the jets online in team death match? If so is it like mw3 do u have to get some type of kill streak, some1 let me know. Im on the 360.
Hey guys quick question. Im thinking about getting this game but i want to know can you fly the jets online in team death match? If so is it like mw3 do u have to get some type of kill streak, some1 let me know. Im on the 360.

you can try to fly them on conquest. thats if the nerds on the other teams dont destroy you first with heat seekers
Thanks for the info billcollector and blazin.. so should I stick with wm3? And wats conquest

i had mw3 and that game annoyed me soo much i traded it in for battlefield. conquest is basically like domination. sometimes theres only 3 flags and sometimes they have 5. the goal is to cap as many as you can and the more you have the faster the other teams score goes down and if you kill an enemy the score goes down
FINALLY FUCKIN GOT IT! Stoked! Been playing the past few hours with my friend, it's pretty sweet. I'm straight up nubtastic!

Battletag - Padawanbater - PC