Well-Known Member
- [h=2][FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Hey all! I'm super excited and have to share with all of you! My boss just called me and wants me to be the supervisor ad his new account! I'm the fuckin man! I've only been with the company a year! I made lead at my current site in less than 6 months. I turned this site around and made it much easier to manage, and now I'm getting reward for my work, and this is a LARGE worldwide company. It makes me feel good that I'm getting recognized in such a big company where it's easy to just get passe over. Some of the people on my team haven't even met our boss!
It's like since I've been growing and getting better, you just get this swag. It like bleeding into other parts of my life. I've always been very confident with myself. But lately it's like I've just been making positive things happen left and right. I hadn't noticed, but after I got off the phone I was like duh! I hadn't even noticed until I just put some thinking to it. Plus being single is starting to be a lot better than I had thought. It's helping me focus and not have negativity.
I just had to share, as this site has kinda become a place for me to chill and share my thoughts more often. Although as the stupor isle at the new site I won't be able to chat with you all as much