Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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New Member
I found another gay conspiracy theory that the republican's are going to bring out another "front-runner, allegedly Jeb Bush, Maddow Suggests that Jeb Bush will be running as a third party candidate possibly "America's Elect" SuperPac Third-party Candidate, sounds pretty wild:


More on the Jeb Bush Theory on Kudlow



New Member
MSNBC has really gotten on the band-wagon as far as calling out the Ron Paul media blackout:

Ron Paul Takes The Lead In Iowa! "So let's Talk About Everyone EXCEPT RON PAUL!"



Well-Known Member
They can throw whoever they want into the mix. All its going to do is rob Newt, Romney and the rest of the clowns of a view votes and widen the margin between them and RP.

Ron Paul supporters are just that....Ron Paul supporters. We aren't swing voters, we believe in this dude to the core.


Well-Known Member
Everyday it's more of the same. Journalists posting thousands of articles all across the web, and a hoard of Ron Paul supporters are all over the comments.

Kinda like the whole online petitions to the president to legalize marijuana that amounted to a level of staggering support, only since it wasn't a real vote everyone laughs it off and makes comments like "I don't know what that says about the online community" or however it was said exactly. Yeah, you know what happens when the online community stands behind a presidential canidate, they will say you OBAMA have to get the fuck out of the White House. I think the media is still under the impression that tv, radio and paper are still top dogs in coverage.

Its just a matter of casting your vote, the overwhelming support is there.


Well-Known Member
If the seahwaks get into the playoffs in two weeks, I will beleive anything. Same chances is say. Maybe the hawks have a better chance the Paul though.


Well-Known Member
So I wonder how long the media will attempt to label Ron Paul a racist before they realize that his policy is actually 100% anti-racist regardless how bad they try and take him out of context.
ron paul has stated that he did in fact write those newsletters.

have fun with that one.


Well-Known Member
ron paul has stated that he did in fact write those newsletters.

have fun with that one.
I wasn't arguing that at this time. Fact is, regardless what he said, he is 100% personal freedoms, and his policy reflects that.

If thats the only dirt they got on him, a little newspaper comment that was taken out of context, well then Ron Paul is going to continue to surge uncle bucky.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't arguing that at this time. Fact is, regardless what he said, he is 100% personal freedoms, and his policy reflects that.

If thats the only dirt they got on him, a little newspaper comment that was taken out of context, well then Ron Paul is going to continue to surge uncle bucky.
what do you mean "a little newspaper comment"?

there is no lack of vile racism in those newsletters, and ron paul did interviews during the 1996 congressional campaign during which he took credit for writing said racism. it was reported on by AT LEAST 5 separate newspapers.

and there is LOTS more dirt where that came from. his excuse that he "can't be racist because he sees people only as individuals, not groups" falls apart under even the faintest of scrutiny.

ron paul is TOAST.


Well-Known Member
So I wonder how long the media will attempt to label Ron Paul a racist before they realize that his policy is actually 100% anti-racist regardless how bad they try and take him out of context.,0,2711028.column

"Is he high" LOL
about the article...

a ron paul win in iowa is of no consequence. he polls at 5 or 6% in SC, Fl and other primary states. :sleep:

a ron paul win in iowa means gingrich didn't win, which is great news for romney who has NH locked up.

some 'inside baseball' for you.


King Tut
about the article...

a ron paul win in iowa is of no consequence. he polls at 5 or 6% in SC, Fl and other primary states. :sleep:

a ron paul win in iowa means gingrich didn't win, which is great news for romney who has NH locked up.

some 'inside baseball' for you.
So you're jumping on the bandwagon that if Paul wins Iowa then Iowa is irrelevant? LOL.
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