Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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That's not necessarily true. The last poll out of NH has Paul passing Gingrich. HN is still wide open. Huntsman even has a shot of winning there, not a good shot, but it's possible.

If Ron Paul can finish first in Iowa and second in NH, he'll replace Newt as Romney's chief rival and it's possible even the frontrunner. If Paul wins both states, Romney will be out of the race entirely and Ron Paul will be the clear favorite to win the election, only having Newt to contend with.

When a candidate is polling near 20% with a month to go in a state, he's not out of it at all. That's winnable. If he wins Iowa, and it looks like he will, that will give him a bump in New Hampshire.

although evry last thing you say is 100% true, i still disagree to a certain extent.

i grant that ron paul may very well win iowa. i would put $10 on it (not $10,000).

but i guarantee it will be washed over quickly and more attention will be paid to how everyone else finished. santorum may do well!

however, NH is pure romney territory. perhaps huntsman may do better than expected as well, especially if ron paul wins iowa and then gets smeared like every other gop flavor of the month.

this is all romney's to have at this point. the smear articles on him are that he sometimes gets angry....LOL! he has been coronated. he will win.

but everything you say is all true, nonetheless. i give ron paul a 2 -3 % chance of getting the nomination.
Ron paul seems to be the best choice but the problem is if he gets elected and someone commits a violent crime against him no one will ever want to stand up for the american rights again. because their are as many supporters like my self out their but also many haters that will loose out if he gets elected and they will do everything in their power to remove Ron paul from power. damn this world is so messed up.
As much as I like a good bit of what Rom Paul says, he doesn't stand a chance of winning the Republican nomination, let alone the presidency. As of this morning nationally he's at 12.4%. Gingrich is at 27.6% and Romney is at 24.6%. That's a tall mountain to climb.

The biggest danger is if he loses the Republican nomination and runs as an Independent. If that happens Obama is assured of another four years. Ron Paul would split the Republican and Independent vote, taking away far more votes from the Republican candidate than from Obama, and all Ron Paul would be is Obama's savior.

He would be the new Ross Perot, handing the presidency to Obama the same way Perot handed the presidency to Clinton in 92. Clinton won with a plurality, not a majority, he got 43% of the votes. Bush got 37.5% and Perot got 18.9%, and most of that 18.9% came from voters who would have voted for Bush if Perot had not run.

I am not commenting on if in the end things turned out better or worse for the nation. I am only pointing out that if Ron Paul ends up running as an Independent he will take way more votes from whoever the Republican candidate is than from Obama and the result will be four more years of Obama.

So if Ron Paul does not win the Republican nomination the best thing he could do for the nation is NOT run as an Independent. He'd never pull enough votes to win and all he would do is change what otherwise would be the natural outcome of the election.
Ron Paul's message is more important to us, then many of us are willing to accept.
Our informational database has been corrupted and distorted so much,
we are inclined to take certain positions based on perceived social norms.
I was the same before I, "Took The Red Pill".

Now I understand why fear, is all we have to fear!

Ron Paul 2012!
Ron paul seems to be the best choice but the problem is if he gets elected and someone commits a violent crime against him no one will ever want to stand up for the american rights again. because their are as many supporters like my self out their but also many haters that will loose out if he gets elected and they will do everything in their power to remove Ron paul from power. damn this world is so messed up.

I wouldn't be so quick to say that. His son Rand is a hell of a Statesman as well and will probably run when the time comes. I don't see either of them cowering in fear of being killed while spreading the message of Liberty for all. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I would take a bullet for either of them at any time. What they are trying to do for our country is bigger than me and it would be an honor to give my life to protect theirs.
His stance on drugs will not gain him many votes. In fact, he should not even bother using it b/c it turns off the conservatives.

Now auditing and regulating the Federal Reserve will get him a lot of support!.

although evry last thing you say is 100% true, i still disagree to a certain extent.

i grant that ron paul may very well win iowa. i would put $10 on it (not $10,000).

but i guarantee it will be washed over quickly and more attention will be paid to how everyone else finished. santorum may do well!

however, NH is pure romney territory. perhaps huntsman may do better than expected as well, especially if ron paul wins iowa and then gets smeared like every other gop flavor of the month.

this is all romney's to have at this point. the smear articles on him are that he sometimes gets angry....LOL! he has been coronated. he will win.

but everything you say is all true, nonetheless. i give ron paul a 2 -3 % chance of getting the nomination.[/QUOTE]

Well at least he's got SOME chance in your opinion :)
Certainly there is nothing the EPA is doing which has cost us as many jobs as the deregulation of the financial services industry has cost us.
i wonder? Did Ron Paul vote in favor of gramm leach bliley? hmmmmm. how did he vote when it came to the bailouts? hmmmmmm. government regulators don't regulate, they take bribes and look the other way. Your clean drinking water has more to do with the fella at the treatment plant than some desk jockey at the EPA.
He is a Republican which is always bad. There are no exceptions. A true Libertarian would not be in that Party.
There is zero chance he will be nominated. I offer 100 to 1 odds on 1 large.
i wonder? Did Ron Paul vote in favor of gramm leach bliley? hmmmmm.

He issued a statement after that vote saying he supported getting rid of Glass Steagal, but thought Gramm Leech Bliley had too many other regulations in it.

Your clean drinking water has more to do with the fella at the treatment plant than some desk jockey at the EPA.

The desk jockey at the EPA ensures the fella at the treatment plant does his job. After all these ecoli outbreaks, mad cow disease, lead in toothpaste, etc. It's amazing that people like you still exist who think corporations are capable of self regulation. They prove over and over again they are not capable of such things and yet you keep the same delusional thinking that everything will be fine if we just let corporations completely off the leach.

It is pure insanity.
He is a Republican which is always bad. There are no exceptions. A true Libertarian would not be in that Party.
There is zero chance he will be nominated. I offer 100 to 1 odds on 1 large.

I don't get it. Why does it seem like all libertarians demand extremism? Why is it that any hint of moderation and they lose all their credibility? Is being a libertarian really a binary state? You can't be a moderate libertarian? I'd actually consider voting for a moderate libertarian candidate, yet it seems like libertarians completely object to anything a candidate would do to attempt to get broad appeal. That's really not doing libertarianism any favors.
but everything you say is all true, nonetheless. i give ron paul a 2 -3 % chance of getting the nomination.

IMO he's got a 25%-35% chance. His negatives are far lower than the other front runners. He's got a lead in one state, he's about to shoot into second in NH. That gives him just as good of a chance as anyone.
As much as I like a good bit of what Rom Paul says, he doesn't stand a chance of winning the Republican nomination, let alone the presidency. As of this morning nationally he's at 12.4%. Gingrich is at 27.6% and Romney is at 24.6%. That's a tall mountain to climb.

He's at 12.5% nationally today. Last week he was at 10%, the week before 7-8%, the week before 5%. That's a clear trend. All it will take is Mitt or Newt doing one thing that republican voters don't like and Paul will be a front runner nationally. Even winning Iowa could trigger that.

The biggest danger is if he loses the Republican nomination and runs as an Independent.

That's what I'm hoping for!
regulation isnt what drives businesses out of your country (i dont know what does , but i know its probably not that) . Just look at your brother to the north ;D
Our economy isnt nearly as bad as yours even though we are more left winged and pro regulation.

But yes i would vote for ron if i were in the US even though i dont believe in some of his policies like carrying on with private healthcare .
However i believe hes better than every other person running for president including president Obama .
He seems to be a man of his word and has strong beliefs which havent seemed to change , unlike many of the other candidates who seem to just say stuff to please the public (romney has actually been caught on this)

But yeah i actually believe he has a good chance of winning this time . Most of the reepublican nominees have slipped up lol ...

...Even newt when he said Palestinians were invented people .... LOL . what a dumbass .

you can watch the vid here ..
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