Psychild's 4x4 Grow Tent (Black Sour Bubble, TWxES, SSHx, DPx, BRxBR & MORE!!)


Well-Known Member
Decided I'd take some pictures, and on the last one of this plant, my sd card was full. I'm dumping it and taking more, just thought I'd throw these up here real quick since I had to plug everything up anyway.


Pictures number in this order.
1 2
3 4

2 & 4 are the same bud, with different lighting settings.


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey there psychild whats going on man! Hey I have some Caliband coming down on saturday, I'll take some pics. Some of the phenos are chunkers for sure!


Well-Known Member
Hey there psychild whats going on man! Hey I have some Caliband coming down on saturday, I'll take some pics. Some of the phenos are chunkers for sure!
Sounds awesome, I'll drop by and have a look! I remember you posting some pics of your SOG caliband grow....don't really remember what it looked like though :P

i got 4 coming down soon. 3 green 1 pink.

dam nice bro, looking real good!!
Thanks man!

Hey guys, I was gonna post some more pictures the other day, but I got best friend is getting married today, so I'm a bit busy, havn't even picked up my tux :PBeen feeding my plants 1/4-1/2 TSP /gal of Epsom Salt to help with the Mag def, and it seems to be helping them a lot! I'll take some pictures tonight or tomorrow when I get home, so you guys can see how much better they look √ Keep your fingers crossed ;) (Btw, I'm in a different town for the wedding, so I won't know for sure how they look till I get back.


Well-Known Member
Waddup? I had pictures to post for you guys, but I decided to wait till I do an update. Not a whole lot going on right now, just putting on the trichs, and adding some weight.....One of the Bagseeds I have is still exploding ridiculously....hopefully I can find a job soon enough to keep me in the place, so I can use her for some breeding. I hate not knowing the genetics, but I'm not selling seeds so I guess it really doesn't matter. I have a clone of her, so if she smokes nice, then I'll keep her. The Caliband is getting closer and closer to finish....I'd have to say about 60-75% of her hairs are orange, and about 25% of those have been sucked back in. I havn't fed most of the plants lately, since I over-dosed them, and started treating them for mag. Most of my plants are showing some P&K shortages, so next watering will be feeding....those that need it, might get a splash of Mag added as well.

HC, I want to appologize now....I fucked up on the BSB with a Mag def, which caused a loss of probably the bottom 50% of my fan leaves. After that I couldn't really tell if she was droopy or not until it was too late. So, now I'm left with a terrible looking BSB, and about 5-9 fan leaves total >< If I'm able to stay in this house, I have 4 more behind her (2 separate phenos) that I will give my undevided attention too &#8730; If you still want pictures I'll post some, but she's a bit disabled now :/

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
i got 4 coming down soon. 3 green 1 pink.
Hey T I found that fat green pheno that has less frost than the others and molds easy that you had....I had one of them had no idea it was full of mold until it was chopped. Lost a nice qtr oz cola off from it but oh well what are you going to do lol. Out of 10 plants only one was that pheno


Well-Known Member
keep the faith bro! When i put my bsb x cb in flower, she was the saddest looking pethetic plant i ever flowered. three weeks later she was the attention getter in whole garden!!!! hope yours bounces back just as well!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey T I found that fat green pheno that has less frost than the others and molds easy that you had....I had one of them had no idea it was full of mold until it was chopped. Lost a nice qtr oz cola off from it but oh well what are you going to do lol. Out of 10 plants only one was that pheno
Can you show me pictures of the pheno with mold? I think my male might have been that pheno ><

keep the faith bro! When i put my bsb x cb in flower, she was the saddest looking pethetic plant i ever flowered. three weeks later she was the attention getter in whole garden!!!! hope yours bounces back just as well!!!!!
Pretty sure she's to the point of no return! Lol but Just in case, I'll keep her going &#8730; Figured she's atleast be a good zone to sell if I didn't want to smoke her :P


Well-Known Member
Aside from those funky leaves that bud is looking great. Nice and frosty imo.
Yeah man, I'm pretty sure it was just a salt build-up from the start of flowering when I hit them with Mag the first time.....that along with a low PH for quite a while as well. Throwing on more trichs everyday &#8730;


Well-Known Member
So.....I've been stuntin on you guys a little. I clipped a bud off of the Purple BS plant about 4 days ago, just to see what she's like a few weeks early. I'm no expert, but this plant easily has 2-3 weeks left to live. Anyway, it finally dried out enough to smoke today, and my report so far...&#8730; If I wanted to I could chop her down now and sell her, but I'd rather wait and see if she gets a little heavier. I'm pretty sure it's been a while since I've posted pictures, so I'll go ahead and take some here in a minute to show you guys what a bad bitch she's become. Really wish I would have cared for the male plant, it would have been great to try her again some other time. I can tell this weed is way early, has me thinking about EVERYTHING Lol I can stay fixed on one task. I'll post the bud pics of my Caliband, as well as Purple BS shots soon &#8730;


Well-Known Member
As Promised &#8730;

Caliband Prego Bud

Purple Bag Seed

Hopefully I posted these all in the order I wanted.....still high though so we'll see. <3​


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice close node spacing all the way down those pbs stems. Crazy for how long they are.

Looks great!


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice close node spacing all the way down those pbs stems. Crazy for how long they are.

Looks great!
Man to be honest with you, I absolutely hated it at first. Probably all the way up till about the 4th week of flower, from then on I realized she was a keeper. It was too late though, the male was never under a timer, I did it by hand and he never really flowered. None of the clones would take either. I did however find a seed out of the bud I used to test her. It's one of 2 things. Either a Nanner did this, which I never saw any....never searched, but none just stuck out, or my Caliband male did it. Either way I'll be happy to grow it out &#8730;

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
bro, i cant tell ya what to do but are you using the molasses yet? i always make sure i still use the veg nute even while im flowering, i think they still need the "N" part even then. i put 1 tablesoon in a about 8 oz's of tap water for 1 day of watering a week. the molasses lowers the 7+ ph tap about 1 whole point so it works out great. the buds sure look great though!!


Well-Known Member
I'd go cal mag and lots of it... 5-8 teaspoons per gallon. she has enough nitrogen... you can see the leaf tips responding to the N. you can even make up a 1/4 strength and foliar spray her to if ya want.....


Well-Known Member
bro, i cant tell ya what to do but are you using the molasses yet? i always make sure i still use the veg nute even while im flowering, i think they still need the "N" part even then. i put 1 tablesoon in a about 8 oz's of tap water for 1 day of watering a week. the molasses lowers the 7+ ph tap about 1 whole point so it works out great. the buds sure look great though!!
Yes sir, been using the molasses at 2 Tbls per gallon every other watering. I wasn't aware that molasses lowers your pH....maybe I need to add a little less ACV when I use molasses?

I'd go cal mag and lots of it... 5-8 teaspoons per gallon. she has enough nitrogen... you can see the leaf tips responding to the N. you can even make up a 1/4 strength and foliar spray her to if ya want.....
Word.....I didn't realize I could feed her that much Mag. I thought 1/2 a tsp of epsom salt was alot :P Might try giving her some water at 1-2 tsp/gal and see how that does. They are all in desparate need of some mag then.