I want to switch from advanced please help

Hi I want to desperately switch from advanced. Right now Im using conn a and conn b as my base. With a combination of. Almost everything else advanced offers. I tried to go to the sites of different. Companies feeding schedule and my head started spinning due to the fact that I'm new. Can somebody please tell me what base to use from a dif company besides advanced. I am using a hydro system. With drip. 6 1000 watt lights. Thx in advance :)
I will go with Dyna s Gro line...its very simple ! depend on what age of your plant...as for me i will use 2.5 ml per gallon.....because Dyna GRo is very highly conceration. its pretty good stuff !

Hi I want to desperately switch from advanced. Right now Im using conn a and conn b as my base. With a combination of. Almost everything else advanced offers. I tried to go to the sites of different. Companies feeding schedule and my head started spinning due to the fact that I'm new. Can somebody please tell me what base to use from a dif company besides advanced. I am using a hydro system. With drip. 6 1000 watt lights. Thx in advance :)

Check out GreenPlanet Wholesale. SHit works great.if your growing hydro As far as additives, cut out all the expensive benies and just use h2o2 seriously I found out just recently that It can be done and keeps things way cleaner. Synthetic base nute, B vitamins, cal mag, and h202. save yourself a damn headache man. If your growing soil then use great white instead of h202
Most of the nute lines are way overpriced and force you to buy a plethora of their supplements to keep your plant healthy because they purposely leave their base nutrients incomplete. The feeding schedules for some of the nutrient lines are completely ridiculous and unnecessary to grow a frigin weed that would grow on the side of the road if you tossed a few seeds in a ditch.

I tried a few of the popular lines until I got tired of dealing with deficiencies, ph issues, and the insane prices you pay for basically a bottle of water. I got lucky and stumbled upon a product called VitaGrow which is made by a local Hydro shop. It is as cheap as you're going to find and it is as good if not better than anything else out there. Three parts and that's it. Mix up your resivoir, set the ph, and walk away. That's it. The only other thing you need to do is check your nutrient level and top off if needed before your weekly reservoir change.

Here's their website vitagrow.com
Here's their feeding schedule http://www.vitagrow.com/downloads/vitagrowgrowchart2010.pdf

And no I don't have any interest in the company other than the fact that I am a happy customer of their products. There is no reason to spend the insane amounts of money, buy twenty different products, follow some insane feeding schedule, just to grow a weed. Keep it simple because it is simple. Too many people fall for the slick marketing out there. But that's all it is. You need 16 elements for a plant to grow not twenty plus bottles of 99% water.
Give it a try. I don't use the water conditioner or the spray that they have on the feeding chart, just the nutes and the results surpass anything I've used previously and it is as simple as it can get.
I'm harvesting next week. So on my next grow I'm gonna try em out I went on their site I really like it. The meds are simple and potent. Thx for the advise. Appreciate it ;) P,S. powder or liquid ?
I'm harvesting next week. So on my next grow I'm gonna try em out I went on their site I really like it. The meds are simple and potent. Thx for the advise. Appreciate it ;) P,S. powder or liquid ?

I would get the powder and you should get at least the 4lb boxes if not ten. You save a lot of money buying the larger sizes.
I never get why newbies do this to themselves.

Most of the hard-core AN fanatics don't use Connoisseur and "almost everything else they make". I've done it and yes the plants were f'in amazing and totally worth it imho but it's a LOT of stuff to keep track of. I like my growing more laid back so I don't go all-out like that. To each their own.

But seriously, "my head started spinning due to the fact that I'm new"? No kidding. You're using Connoisseur, which is touted as their base nutrients for expert growers. You're using a massive amount of additives when you're used to NONE of them. You're asking for trouble.

It's not the nutes, trust me. Build your experience and your feeding program together. Start simple.

If you decide not to give up on Advanced Nutrients go and get - at most - the Hobbyist level of the pH Perfect system and their Sensi two-part nutes (or the three part if you want to go that route). That's like 4 bottles plus the base nutes, simple as hell, and if you're running RO water you're guaranteed to have the right pH. That's simple.

Don't just jump straight to the highest difficulty level and if you do, don't get surprised if it's really hard.
I disagree. brewing tea is much cheaper than any h2o2 or *zyme product. But you don't have to take my word for it. You can easily look up how much Ancien Forest ECW and Mycogrow soluble costs, and not to mention it is going to last me years instead of months. The advice in going sterile is fine but brewing tea is much more economical than you may realize.

Check out GreenPlanet Wholesale. SHit works great.if your growing hydro As far as additives, cut out all the expensive benies and just use h2o2 seriously I found out just recently that It can be done and keeps things way cleaner. Synthetic base nute, B vitamins, cal mag, and h202. save yourself a damn headache man. If your growing soil then use great white instead of h202
I'll put in a plug for GH Flora 3-part. No need for the various additives, boosters, enhancers etc. Just the ions plants need. "It's got Electrolytes!" cn