Cloning from Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
There are many varieties that have developed ways of regenerating without pollination and seeds, begonias and geraniums for instance. Its a plants defence mechanism for times when pollination and seed reproduction isn't available due to extenuating circumstances.
I'm not saying cloning doesn't work, I just don't think you're method will could it? Why has no one done it before? Find me some evidence!


Well-Known Member
just before I go to bed..Why are people so unwilling to believe a quite normal natural occurence on the basis that they havent heard of it? Apparently people believed the world was flat you know!!

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im interested. a picture (or a few) is worth a thousand words. could be usefull if possible with cannabis. i know some plants can drop a leaf and then put out roots ive seen succulent plants do this


Well-Known Member
I'm new to the site, but an old hand at growing -hydro and soil and I would just be interested to know if anybody other than me clones from fan leaves?
From what I can see everyone has theories on how old the plant should be, how many nodes up the plant etc etc. As a degree holder in botany I would just like to say forget all the hype use fan leaves and get great stocky clones with roots after 1 week!!!
When I get a camera sorted I will post pictures.
even if this did work there is no way in hell after one week a leaf would go from a leaf to a "stalk rooted plant"
unless you are the son of mothernature i highly doubt this theroy.


Well-Known Member
how about everyone stops shiting on the new guy and give him a chance to teach all of us something. RIU could use another botanist


Well-Known Member
I'm skeptical about this one too, but I'm down to subscribe and watch it just in case something exciting does happen. Good luck with this, if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I remember reading seeing in a thread about a month ago, this guy had cloned a leaf and it rooted and stayed alive said it did for quite a while but he eventually killed because it didn't grow into anything, it stayed a leaf.


Well-Known Member
I'm new to the site, but an old hand at growing -hydro and soil and I would just be interested to know if anybody other than me clones from fan leaves?
From what I can see everyone has theories on how old the plant should be, how many nodes up the plant etc etc. As a degree holder in botany I would just like to say forget all the hype use fan leaves and get great stocky clones with roots after 1 week!!!
When I get a camera sorted I will post pictures.

Read a thread or 2 about it. From what I read, yup Can get a fan leave to root. You will get a well rooted fan leaf. Not much more.

(I'm thinking a possible graft to stimulate the growth. But question arises, Is it from the fan leaf clone or the 'quality' cutting graffed into the rooted fan leaf?


Well-Known Member
half of you probally havent ever grown anything, just because you havent heard of it dosnet make it impossible
lol i think many of us have grown which is why we are skeptical about this method but you are right man it doesnt make it impossible yet i would be more worried if every one got excited and praised this thread cause then i would doubt the experience of people knowing the know procedures for cloning
i actually started a new cloning thread but got yelled at by someone cause i was quote "beating a dead horse" if this one proves to be something well what do you know the endless possiblities of new information win again...


Well-Known Member
I will post picture of my latest fan leaf clones as soon as they form multiple shoots ( as they always do) which should take a week or so.
Just to explain the science ,as many dont understand how growth can take place without any nodes or branches-Once the healthy Fan leaf is placed into its growing medium the blade continues to produce IAA(auxin) which is sent down the petiole as usual where it accumulates and forms a callus tissue;a mixture of merismatic and parenchyma cells.These cells have no determined fate and as such can differentiate in all directions. The IAA continues to accumulate in the callus until such a concentration is reached that roots are formed. The roots produce cytokinins(CK) a hormone that is transported upwards and accumulates in the callus. As the concentration increases the stimuli causes multiple shoot formation and you have a plant with between 1 and 5 stems.


Well-Known Member
I will post picture of my latest fan leaf clones as soon as they form multiple shoots ( as they always do) which should take a week or so.
Just to explain the science ,as many dont understand how growth can take place without any nodes or branches-Once the healthy Fan leaf is placed into its growing medium the blade continues to produce IAA(auxin) which is sent down the petiole as usual where it accumulates and forms a callus tissue;a mixture of merismatic and parenchyma cells.These cells have no determined fate and as such can differentiate in all directions. The IAA continues to accumulate in the callus until such a concentration is reached that roots are formed. The roots produce cytokinins(CK) a hormone that is transported upwards and accumulates in the callus. As the concentration increases the stimuli causes multiple shoot formation and you have a plant with between 1 and 5 stems.