Cat got to plant, now I can't tell if sex is showing...


Title say it all, my cat got to these plants about a week ago, they are about 2 months old now and I can't tell the sex, I believe it is because of too much stress, what does this look like?



Well-Known Member
true sexing can only be done on flowering plants. what you're talking about is what i call, "pre-sexing." that one i would keep.


I just started a 12/12 cycle, but I read that stress can force them into flowering, even without changing lights.... So I wasn't sure.


New Member
I always keep a fan on. The idea of growing indoors is to attempt to re-create natural conditions. The wind does not stop blowing at night.


Ursus marijanus
Katafea, I would not worry. I am certain your cat is the same sex as before.
...The plant looks too young to show primordia. A week or so of 12/12 should settle that part of it. cn


Katafea, I would not worry. I am certain your cat is the same sex as before.
...The plant looks too young to show primordia. A week or so of 12/12 should settle that part of it. cn
Almost funny, but my sentence structure is correct. Therefore that joke does not apply in this situation. :)