Curing Your Buds

sound like ferination of tobacco, they do the same there to smoothing the smoke. premium cigarette tobacco is treated this way so they don't have to achieve the effect with chemicals such in Marlboro's...:spew:

for sure one more great post from good old videoman, thx:) i gone try it with my big bud;)
Ill wait to see some testimonials before i throw my meager harvest in the drip but it sounds plausable. Though isnt the flush period satisfactory enough for great tasting buds?

that will may help with those salts from the nutes but not with the chlorophyll of the plant since this fist starts to dissolve after the plant is cut and can't build any new anymore:) and this isn't the best for the taste but for a smoother smoke, like with tobacco;) as i said, there the same trick is done with premium tobacco for cigarettes:)
thanks video.. probably the only A+ I'll get this semester! lol.. I'll definately try this way when I get a harvest atleast of a couple oz's... and of course report back~
This statement has me so confused. chlorophyll is released thru the water cure process.

that will may help with those salts from the nutes but not with the chlorophyll of the plant since this fist starts to dissolve after the plant is cut and can't build any new anymore
This statement has me so confused. chlorophyll is released thru the water cure process.

oh you, that was regarding flushing the plant in its last days before harvest and not about the water curing videoman:D the kid thought flushing would help with the chlorophyll of the plant but as long the plant has stored some magnesium salts it will rebuild on it. so to get it out you have to get the salts out first and then the plant would have still functional chlorophyll for about 2 weeks until it would be all used up. chlorophyll deteriorates fast if it gets contact with air, so in air curing, but water curing is more affective and faster since it will flush the cracked chlorophyll right of the dead plant material in which no new can be build. also penetrates water deeper then air:)

so i hope this will get my neck out of the loop again video;)
Hi all, that sounds like a good method,and test. I will try curing some both ways,if I ever get a harvest. Plants are looking good. Cybro
hey man, this sounds like a great way to cure! wine makers manipulate the temp of their fermenting solutions to retain certain terpines...experimentation with this method may come up with a way to retain more of the unique flavors!!
also.. I think someone did not understand the math behind the potency..

With 100 grams of weed initially @ 15%THC.. so with 100 grams, you have 15 grams of pure THC.. then you do your water flushing, dehydrater process.. and your left with 70 grams of weed... The THC is NOT water soluable, so the same 15% @ 100g is no longer correct since you only have 70 grams of bud left.. so take that original 15 and divide with 70.. and wal-la, you now have 21.43% of THC in your 70 grams of bud.. it makes since when you work it out..

I dont think you guys understand how to measure the potency of weed. The % of THC is meausred by dividing the amount of THC content on the bud by the total weight of the bud, this gives you a fixed number percent that does not change. So if you had 100 grams of weed with 15% THC content then there is 15 grams of THC in that 100 grams of bud. If you were to water cure that bud you would get 70 grams of bud with 15 grams of THC, now where you guys are getting mixed it is: you now have less bud weight but the same amount of THC on that bud that you did before you water cured it, it doesnt make the bud more potent just cleaner.
I dont think you guys understand how to measure the potency of weed. The % of THC is meausred by dividing the amount of THC content on the bud by the total weight of the bud, this gives you a fixed number percent that does not change. So if you had 100 grams of weed with 15% THC content then there is 15 grams of THC in that 100 grams of bud. If you were to water cure that bud you would get 70 grams of bud with 15 grams of THC, now where you guys are getting mixed it is: you now have less bud weight but the same amount of THC on that bud that you did before you water cured it, it doesnt make the bud more potent just cleaner.

using your example, 1 gram of your regular cure weed has .15 grams, correct? ok, .7 gram of the water cure bud has .15 grams THC. a higher percent of the mass of water cured is THC, i think we can agree that this is more potent??
I think basically the argument about potency is that once you cure with the water method, it would take less in the bowl to get high. Instead of smoking the rest of the crap that's in the pot, you get less pot with the same THC. This means you would need to pack less in the bowl (joint, whatever) to get just as high.
I dont think you guys understand how to measure the potency of weed. The % of THC is meausred by dividing the amount of THC content on the bud by the total weight of the bud, this gives you a fixed number percent that does not change. So if you had 100 grams of weed with 15% THC content then there is 15 grams of THC in that 100 grams of bud. If you were to water cure that bud you would get 70 grams of bud with 15 grams of THC, now where you guys are getting mixed it is: you now have less bud weight but the same amount of THC on that bud that you did before you water cured it, it doesnt make the bud more potent just cleaner.

well you don't get new thc from somewhere unknown, that you got right but the thc ratio goes up since the total weight of the bud goes down since salts and chloro are gone and the thc stays, so video is right about this;)
well you don't get new thc from somewhere unknown, that you got right but the thc ratio goes up since the total weight of the bud goes down since salts and chloro are gone and the thc stays, so video is right about this;)

Correct the bud is not more potent it just has a higher ratio of THC to other plant material. I just wanted people to know this method does not increase potency it just cleanses some of the undesirable plant material.
With 100 grams of weed initially @ 15%THC.. so with 100 grams, you have 15 grams of pure THC.. then you do your water flushing, dehydrater process.. and your left with 70 grams of weed... The THC is NOT water soluable, so the same 15% @ 100g is no longer correct since you only have 70 grams of bud left.. so take that original 15 and divide with 70.. and wal-la, you now have 21.43% of THC in your 70 grams of bud.. it makes since when you work it out..

“You have less bud weight but the same amount of THC on that bud that you did before you water cured it, it doesnt make the bud more potent just cleaner."

Wrong, it does in fact make the bud more potent! As Chronic pointed out earlier to you,With 100 grams of weed initially @ 15%THC.. so with 100 grams, you have 15 grams of pure THC.. then you do your water flushing, dehydrater process.. and your left with 70 grams of weed... The THC is NOT water soluable, so the same 15% @ 100g is no longer correct since you only have 70 grams of bud left.. so take that original 15 and divide with 70.. and wal-la, you now have 21.43% of THC in your 70 grams of bud.. it makes since when you work it out.."

Please allow me to show you another point of view, not to complicate this but... I have alot of experience with using an isomiser, and if I were to take one ounce of weed and take the thc off of it, and place it back onto 7 grams of weed, is the weed not more potent? Of course it is
The same logic applies to water curing.
OK i understand your arguement, however if you were to smoke a bowl of water cured bud would it get you any higher then if you smoked the exact same amount of weed that was not water cured?
OK i understand your arguement, however if you were to smoke a bowl of water cured bud would it get you any higher then if you smoked the exact same amount of weed that was not water cured?

he isn't arguing with you, he's (very patiently) trying to help you see the concept. :)

yes, if you pack 1 gram of water cured you will smoke more THC than if you pack 1 gram of non-water cured.

look at it from a hash making perspective. smaller micron screen lets less junk through, so you have higher percentage THC = more potent hash. consider the removal of various salts (terpines) and other water soluble components the same as them being screened out... you have a higher concentration of THC, less is now's more potent or whatever word you prefer. i'm prob confusing more, but i hope not. :)
Hey purple...I could not have answered any better than what 7xstall just said to you.
I am awaiting my water cured bud as we speak, it will be ready to be taken out of the water, next monday. I'll post back a smoke report for sure.

DavidJames, You could do it either way, nothing better than a well manicured bud. Now to be honest, all I did was to snip off the better part of an "offshoot" on one perticular plant that has my heart. lol

This sucker is so beautiful, it has a much darker green than all the others, and has maintained that color all its life, so its not nutes.
And ohhhh the buds, this plant is not going to be my biggest yeilder, but the buds are very tight and very thick, covered with trichomes all over the buds and leaves. I can hardly wait.
here's my first attempt, that was over a week ago, this plant has kinda been my "experiment" plant, i have one clone next to it, a trainwreck plant im about to sex, and another unknown "headies" strain thats been goin for a week....