so ripped right now.


Active Member
:joint::mrgreen:how bout you?

so me and my girl got in a big fight bc she was mad at me that some other girl who i was always just good friends for at least 7 asked me to go to starbucks and i said i would. so she freaked and said im a liar cuz i didnt tell her about it even tho i didnt even go and she found out cuz she saw the txt on my phone, lol. forgettign to delete that caused much trouble...but she is being sooo irrational. i just dont know why i love her!~!?? :spew:needed to vent. thank you. feel free to share. WOOOSAAAAAHHHHH

regardless, a few much needed bowls seemed to made me feel much better about it and look at the situatuion in a logical manner, which for some reason my girlfriend cannot do. Shes incapable of logical thinking. No offense to any of the girls on here but my dad always told me a kinda joke, he said girls have that C.U.N.T. logic, i said whats that? it stands for Cant Understand Normal Thinking. lol.


Well-Known Member
Why dont you just tell her she can go with you....problem solved. She probably wouldnt have cared then. Honestly is the best policy and jealousy is a sign of insecurity usually caused by the unknown. Being honest from the get go would have prevented this from happening completely.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Being honest from the get go would have prevented this from happening completely.

HONESTY is the best policy almost always.. IT gets rid of people who in the long run are going to find out "you're" a fraud.

Being honest always gets rid of the rif raf who will just end up judging YOU harshly in the long run... Let people KNOW what they are gonna GET... this method always attracts people that really LIKE YOU


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Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Why dont you just tell her she can go with you....problem solved. She probably wouldnt have cared then. Honestly is the best policy and jealousy is a sign of insecurity usually caused by the unknown. Being honest from the get go would have prevented this from happening completely.

Whenever I see you on the boards I get this yummy feeling...


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
:joint::mrgreen:how bout you?

so me and my girl got in a big fight bc she was mad at me that some other girl who i was always just good friends for at least 7 asked me to go to starbucks and i said i would. l.

i feel ya bro.... just remember that when it happens TO you... you need to be cool as fook and set an example for all..

I have a friend who KNOWs Chuck Lidell..

He told me that Chuck is the coolest cat in the world.. that he could walk in on his lady getting shagged by the neighbor and not even flinch ...

that;s HOw I like to role. being in control of myself and never trying to control others..


rob the pot head

Well-Known Member
i dunno man but we humans dont know shit .. god dropped us here on earth and we still ha ven't figured out why? wat the fuck dude wat are we doin? how come i can't really remember shit after i sleep untill the


Well-Known Member
theres a new herbal mixture out on the market over here at the minute just after smokin a bag of it last night and a bowl and two joints there this morning absaloutly brillient tis called 'smoke'
cant describe the high..
im always pesemistic into legal highs etc but this is gunna be big i reckon
one of my mates is big into the legal pills nd all and he bought a 8th of this stuff for 40 euro and its mind blowin .. anyway..
point being i pretty ripped right now too:D