Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
happy crimbo Robbie you new camera havin asshole lol plant looks good , so does the hashish!!!!!!!!!!!

hey if you want the assholes seed colective pic for sig feel free lol.....were colectivlely assholes LOL

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Perfect name for your collective dizz I love it. Now we have to let peeps know about the strains you have that are totally off the fuking charts and not easy to find! About to go grab that old camera of yours and take some pics for Psychild lol, just finished my garden chores for the day.

Bobo if you used a screen in your bowl I'll bet that full melt ran right through it : !) Must of been way tasty too!

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Perfect name for your collective dizz I love it. Now we have to let peeps know about the strains you have that are totally off the fuking charts and not easy to find! About to go grab that old camera of yours and take some pics for Psychild lol, just finished my garden chores for the day.

Bobo if you used a screen in your bowl I'll bet that full melt ran right through it : !) Must of been way tasty too!
Thanks Stoney........

Your right mangodango....2012 is the year of the Asshole! either that or the worlds gonna blow up...ive decided to dedicate myself this year to make a few solid strains, maybe relase a few....who knows whats gonna happen..i got over a year and a half invested in the cindy and im not done there yet :) I got some plans for new stuff that nobody else has as well. I will not relase garbage or the "11 phenos in a 10 pack bullshit" . Im deff inspired more than i was this morning now :)

Im so glad that cam found a new home...lol when it dies you gotta give it a propr burial LOL

I been eyeing up that BMF like its a 92Oz steak , i think she knows i wanna kill her and smoke it lol...its litterally stacked trich on trich now...ill grab a fw pix in a few


Well-Known Member
My guess is you're going to grow into such an asshole the earth can't contain you and get smothered out of existence.

I think you need a smaller version to put in for the sig. I also think you need to find you a hot model for it. I've come to have certain expectations from your avatar you asshole.

You'll have to go all ninja and sneak up behind it and slit its stalk before it knows what is happening.

What you got in mind so I can be a bigger asshole and beat you to it ;)

I'm getting more interested in breeding that much else about it. Need more cabs to grow out larger amounts of seeds. The problem is going to be getting rid of all the bud I can't use. I have a feeling I'll be growing more than I smoke, I live in a small town and know very few people. You assholes might have to come help me after a few months or year and critique my growing, harvesting, curing.

I read a "breeders" post about how he only sales f5's but the people talking about his stuff talk about it lacking "hybrid vigor" though I'm not sure how line breeding would ruin that.

These plants are gowing too slow. I want my cab filled with buds looking like those above.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Haha i know some people are gonna miss the skanks in my avys...but im professional this year LOL....i have to dress acordingly haha....im already missing ass n tittys tho..so maybe ill come to a happy medium of professional and skank alike.

Ill never be an asshole of Subcool proportions, or Arjans lol Im just a blue collar asshole that east humble pie.

What do i got in mind? A sleep remedy , a strain for depression and PTSD , a strain that takes you back 25 years and soem secrets id have to kill you for if i told you lol So get to work asshole!

Breeding is kewl and fun sometimes...you found all the right people at the righ ttime here if yu wanna learn a few thangs...yur an asshole so you fit in. As for the losing vigor thing, yeah it can happen if your not careful..things loose vigor when you inbreed em , dogs, plants ect. if you dotn make the proper selctions and back crosses when you should you can fuck up a line. Genetics are fun but confusing at times.

example...if i had an Afghani strain i kept inbreeding , it may lose some vigor...so id take another pure afghani and breed it in to add soem fresh blood..then back cross it back to my line. Same with gamebred dogs, if you dotn introduce new blood to the line yul end up with bad dogs eventually and ruin a bloodline. You can breed tight as long as you make an outcross somewere and breed back. Rescesive genes are a good read if you feel like readin more.


Well-Known Member
But we all come from the same original genes whether you believe in the bible or evolution. Not sure about other faiths, religions, and beliefs. In the bible we all came from adam and eve, then everything after the flood had Noah's genes.

It wasn't those two, it was dj something or other with tropical sativa's. not djshort.

But that's how breeds are made, by inbreeding. That's why mutts tend to be more healthy.

Maybe after a few rounds I can get a large enough cab to grow out a number of seeds and have money to buy enough seeds to start with a decent selection and make my own. The extremely high CBD (i think it's cbd) strains catch my interest.

I could definitely use the first two. The third one would leave me only a couple of years old, pretty sure I'm not ready to go there.

Tell me, I'll just be sure not to invite you to my testing :p

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Yeha i agree we came from all the same line....and like pot we climatized and became diff races.

it prolly was DJ Short, he wrote alota articles about breeding, their all good reads to.

I agree, inbreeding is the only way to get a stable line of anything...but outcrosses are needed as well to keep it viable.....Yur right tho, mutts are generaly healthy and free of illnesses due to a open gene pool.... i wish i had a pedigree on this PC, id show you exzactly what i mean.....my old dog was super inbred but if you looked at the pedigree he had an outcross every 3 gens..then bred back to his bloodline....if not out crossed id woulda had dogs with degenerative deseaces and unwanted traits.

to be real, you dont need a huge setup to breed some gear...jus a lil extra room for a male and soem cuts to keep around. Im interested in the high CBD stuff as well, its pretty mindblowing getting into specific genetics lol

Yeah i could use the first two also...but my major goal is the 3rd one...if i can stabilze something that takes people back to thier early weedhood id be a happy asshole...but we dotn want you to be 2 again lol....you could enjoy the weed of the olden days tho like soem of us older assholes :)

i still cant tell you.....yu seem ok so i dotn wana have to kill you LOL

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey Voidling scientist say that everyones genes can be traced back to one female in Africa. Hey maybe that's your eve!

Talking about lack of titties and asses I'm about to trade mine in for a younger model. Shit she's 11 yrs younger than me as it is lol. About to hit a bowl of Caseyband right now, I could use a good stone. Christ she's up there sleeping, I just got back from the store with a bag of coffee and some cream. Couldn't sleep idk blue balls or something

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Hey Voidling scientist say that everyones genes can be traced back to one female in Africa. Hey maybe that's your eve!

Talking about lack of titties and asses I'm about to trade mine in for a younger model. Shit she's 11 yrs younger than me as it is lol. About to hit a bowl of Caseyband right now, I could use a good stone. Christ she's up there sleeping, I just got back from the store with a bag of coffee and some cream. Couldn't sleep idk blue balls or something
Go wake her up with a cock suprise LOL ... i had me a couple younger girls..but it got old (no pun intended) ... mid-late 30s are all good, they can bang like champs and their not all clingy and needy...dont get me wrong..a 19-20 yr old stripper will always command my attention LMAO

Caveman..what pheno is this....i dont think its a C4 but i never grew C4 so lol...these pics arnt the best...but here she is...her resin is crazy this week

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Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Your going to laugh cause I just bumped that pic over at your thread. She's C4 dom all the way man. It has what Chimera describes as a "very potent Cotton Candy" grandmother.


Well-Known Member
Definitely not short. This person had people talking about bad germination of seed and high percentage of mutants in his gear.

My thoughts of doing it would require a bit of space. How many seeds do you suggest starting with to find your parent?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
haha yea i jus seen that...shes on day 53 now

i never grew c4 or CC , or Shishka so im fuckin blind here LOL
I have a couple of C4 in with one of the runs right now, their at 3.5 weeks real real nice smoke with crazy frost they take about 8.5-9 wks to finish. Didn't care for the taste of any of the Shiska dom plants that I have grown.

Topping all of the cindys tomorrow man....I'll be taking about an ave of 6" off the top of ea one

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
@ Voidling......it may have well of been Short...his line has mega mutants, and he was known for workign with unworkable sativas

@ Caveman.....im pretty pleased with her sofar...it entices me to smoke it everyday lol...i took some better pix, ill put em in the House

yul like the C99 topped if you want a bush, it thrives that way, yul find yurslef re tying daily sometimes in flower :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I don't like bushes. After they are topped and transplanted I'm going to keep the light right on top of them to try and keep the nodes tight and hopefully by the time there is room for them they won't have gone all crazy again lol. I like 2 or 3 cola plants, I pack them in like sardines. Right now there are 30 plants under the 1k haha! Three runs of 10. They are at a week, 3.5 and 6 wks. Oz a plant is what I shoot for. No harvest now for close to three weeks : (

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yeah if you top em right before flip you should have that...those i showed you were toped early to promote branching for LST...yul see a slight stop in growth when you flip em...i mean slight...then BOOM they stretch till about day 30-35...then fill out...so if you can manage the stretch or plant fo rit yur golden LOL