Temps forecasted to hit 113 degress next week will my girls survive?


Active Member
Im currently in veg atm in the southern hemispher doing an outdoor coco grow. next week its forcasted to hit 113 degrees. its been up to 100 and no problems, anyone been through this sort of temps?, I'm going to cool my res temps down as much as possible and keep up the watering.


New Member
I have no experience with this problem so all I can really say is Good Luck. I hope you get some good answers. Perhaps post a thread on the AZ and NV patients forums. You can probably get some good advice there.


Well-Known Member
i've had outdoor summer temps at 110 for a week with no worries. if you can get a big industrial sized fan on them it wouldn't hurt. ;) i have one that sits on the floor and tilts upwards. i put it below my plants and blow air upwards onto them, from below. they seem to really like it on hot days. try to find a shady spot to pull air from.


Active Member
hey guys thanks for your reply, moving them isnt an option, but i guess i can throw some chade cloth over them. I might throw some ice in my rez, so they get fed really cold water.