Why Do Plants Pray?


Active Member
If the "pray" (as the OP put it) only happens with natural light, then plants wouldn't grow under artificial light. They would just fall to the soil. That alone puts a whole as big as the sun in his theory.All those people doing lst and super cropping would have horizontal plants.


Well-Known Member
You cannot conclude that from a non-result obtained with just one sort of artificial light. To extend your argument to "any artificial light" you would have to prove absence of phototropic response to, say, RF sulfur-plasma lights. cn
You and I both know that would take a considerable amount of side by side comparisons to determine.

Yet I am convinced there are elements present in a star that cannot be reproduced...the light spectrum emitted and processed by plants cannot be replicated over time by artificial means.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
They get 6 hours of sun, and 12 hours under 42W(200)currently at a 2 inch height. I see no response under the CFL's that would indicate the same response rate.


This is why. I believe that full sun spectrum will out-perform any soil blends or additive products currently on the market.
Huh? What are you talking about? Sun vs soil? And plants follow the light all the time...what are you talking about man?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Excuse me?...
He means no shit the sun has more to it than artificial light, but simply because you havent noticed your plants "pray" under artificial lights doesnt mean it doesnt happen. We all see it all the time inside . It took you 1300 posts to come to that?my goodness. What kind of advice have you been giving?


Well-Known Member
I see that all the time under my lights. And even under my T5 my clones point it the lights. I even have 9 inch leaves do that from time to time.


Active Member
Hey op if you want to see this inside under artificial light move a plant just outside of your lights footfrint and it will happen, as pointed out many times already they are just growing towards the light haha praying to the sun hahaha


Ursus marijanus
You and I both know that would take a considerable amount of side by side comparisons to determine.
.. determine what? I admit I have lost track a bit. Imo the argument about phototropism has been put to bed ... plants will respond phototropically to artificial light possessing a reasonably adequate spectrum.

Yet I am convinced there are elements present in a star that cannot be reproduced...the light spectrum emitted and processed by plants cannot be replicated over time by artificial means.

I would be interested to hear you tell me what you think those are. If we're using "elements" in a chemist's sense, ... a star is no more than a self-maintaining bright plasma, a blend of elements producing blackbody radiation at about 5700ºK.

Plasma output graph:
The white line is plasma output.
The brown line is output from a typical HPS lamp.
The rainbow-filled curve represents a plant's sensitivity to (or capacity to use) light energy.

The only other way for me to interpret "elements" would be to reach into older mystical traditions, but then we'd be talking about (when you strip away all the cultural bits) magic. cn


Well-Known Member
Hey op if you want to see this inside under artificial light move a plant just outside of your lights footfrint and it will happen, as pointed out many times already they are just growing towards the light haha praying to the sun hahaha
Have already done so, just haven't posted the pics.


Well-Known Member
Its all about science and what we know about the sun and the dif rays and light spec !!!!
I also hate to go with everyone else but this is one fight u can not win !!!!!
it is proven that better weed is grown in controled environment!!!!!
That's a myth I have disproven.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Listen dumbfuck, artificial lighting does NOT give the same benefit as the sun..case closed.
I never said it did, I said that it doesnt. My statement was congruous with yours man (that means in agreement with to midwesterners and illiterates)

You seem like one of those people who thinks they know a LOT yet not enough to know that you behavior gives away your true ignorance. Ignorantly ignorant.

Are you upset that I called you out on being a role player? That you have all these posts and rank, yet ultimately have no substantial experience to back it up? Fucking wannabe ass catfish...eat my shit's shit.


Well-Known Member
What would that be? Sunlight is all photons. If you place a plant in a box with a good light at a low angle ... the plant will turn toward that light. cn
I apologize for being an ass towards you yesterday, I was in a bad mood and had no business on the internet.

Meanwhile, I think I figured out the answer to my own question...it's the UV they are reacting to. This is why I am not seeing the phenomenon with CFL's, yet others do report seeing it with HPS lighting. At least it sounds good...lol


Ursus marijanus
I apologize for being an ass towards you yesterday, I was in a bad mood and had no business on the internet.

Meanwhile, I think I figured out the answer to my own question...it's the UV they are reacting to. This is why I am not seeing the phenomenon with CFL's, yet others do report seeing it with HPS lighting. At least it sounds good...lol
Oh! That is what you meant. In that case we seem to be essentially in agreement. I would also like to thank you for this gracious response, Sunbiz. I am sorry to hear you were in a mood ... has whatever bothered you been cleared up to your satisfaction?

I have it to understand that many savvy indoor growers are supplementing HPS or other lights with actinics, like aquarium or reptile specialty bulbs that produce UV, both A and B. It apparently improves trichome production in late flower. that is something I'll have to try once I have convinced myself that i have the basics down. cn