

Ok so I'm kind of a rook when it comes to growing but I had a few questions..Afraid my main plant may have been turn into a hermie :( I went in to check on it this morning and as the plant has grown each new set of growth has a different number of leaves on it..It went from three to four to five and up to eight now..Is this normal? And if it's not will a hermaphrodite pollinate another female? Put a lot of time and work into this so any help would be greatly appreciated! +rep


A hermie will most certainly pollinate if givin the time. It will be obvious when it herms in flower you will see little banana shoots coming out of the buds here and there. Which will eventually turn into a flower and shoot pollen. Unfortunately alot of times the hermie wont show its true colors till week 4+ of flower, unless its a major herm where u have balls and such already


Ok..I always figured that the leaves would stop adding after like 7 it just looks abnormal. Also all the new growth is coming in sideways..Don't know what to make of it.


Active Member
Sounds perfectly normal to me. How far into veg/flower are you? If your around 35 days you should be able to see pistils of balls. If you're really worried, get yourself some dutchmaster reverse. It will reverse a hermi femal plant and I've successfuly used it through week four of flower when my super silver haze started shooting bananas out the buds. It's the same kind of hormone they use to make seedless watermelons...but for weed of course.

You may do a check for light leaks next time the lights go out too.


Thanks dj teereks! I've never heard of that stuff before. Will be good to know if it does turn out to be a hermaphrodite..I'm not into the flowering stage yet I'm only on 18/6


Weed Modifier
Ok..I always figured that the leaves would stop adding after like 7 it just looks abnormal. Also all the new growth is coming in sideways..Don't know what to make of it.
7...lol how about 13
when you are at 12/12 you will be able to see there parts ;) leaf count has nothing to do with being Hermie, hermie has male and female parts.