sometimes your obstinance really pisses me off.
is it really so difficult to remember that you live in a country where you're actually allowed to bitch and moan about every little thing? you seem to be thankful for the fact that
you can see a bit of relatively unspoiled nature from time to time, that
you are allowed to own a gun and that
you don't have to carry your own water and dispose of your own shit.
this is actually pretty minor shit compared to the fact that this country has always been there in time of need for even its enemies. this country is among the first to send aid to victims of famine and disaster, even though we know that we will be vilified as soon as our back is turned. how about the fact that, even with all its problems, people from all around the world flock to our shores for a chance at what you seem to take for granted. just the chance at u.s. citizenship is enough to make people risk they're lives and even those that know they'll have to live in the shadows once they're here are willing to give up all they own to cross into u.s. territory. you also seem to be ignoring the riches that allow this country to be so generous. have you forgotten the freedoms inherent in our society that allow
all the people to share in our resources and prosperity instead of hoarding it for the few?
instead you seem intent on claiming that it is never enough. the political climate isn't to your liking, there is still suffering in the world, the wealth isn't spread evenly enough; seemingly oblivious to the abundance that surrounds us all. i've never really been one for jumping on the patriotic bandwagon with any great nationalistic zeal, but even i am at least a little bit grateful to be here instead of, oh let's say, iran or mongolia. instead of praise for this country, you would like to heap on it the blame for all of humanity's worst nature. if the u.s. were the only country going around blowing people up i'd surely join you in berating such a warlike attitude, but war is the chosen way of life for this species. if wars didn't pop up more frequently than dandelions in spring, i'd consider the u.s. to be the major threat to world peace that you seem to think it to be. the simple fact seems to be that humans are just a bunch of simple animals that want to go around beating each other over the head and, though the u.s. shows considerable restraint, we, as a people, ain't a whole hell of a lot better than anyone else.