Instant Greenhouse


Well-Known Member
I was checking my mail and came across a catalog that I got for shipping supplies. Started perusing through it and came across some "pallet covers".
You should check these out! They ar heavy duty "like 6 mil?) plastic sheething that has square corners molded in to fit neatly over a box that obviously sits on a pallet. If one was to make a simp;e frame out of pvc or whatever you could slip one of these puppies over it and Voila!! instant greenhouse. No taping the corners or assembly required. The only downside is that in this particular catalog you had to by like 25 of them. They come in 50 sizes with the largest one at like six feet square and 8 feet tall. That one was like 8 bucks but again, you had to buy 25 of them. I'm thinking that if a storm is coming in with about five minutes notice, BAMM, instant protection.
If enough people are interested in something like this I might plunk down the two hundred bucks and bring some to the BBQ this spring. No way I need twenty five of theese guys but for eight bucks? DUDE!!!


Well-Known Member
a cars windshield makes an instant greenhouse also.
Coldframe to be more accurate. Curved glass from a display case found behind a store. Works great!!

It has it's limitations though. these pallet covers are 7 fikkin feet tall!! 36 sq. ft of floor space
F... you could set up a row of theese puppies and sell them as immigrant housing.


Well-Known Member
Or buy 25 of them...and PVC pipe...make 25 of them...and sell them to a store :D
Ebay? Just thinking out loud here? I just built a makeshift one with visqueen from a home depot and frankly it was a frustrating bullshit experience.
Boxed corners for 8 bucks? I'm DEFF. in. May find singles, havent looked yet