email468 new equipment grow (PPP)


Well-Known Member
hey email i am planting veggy seeds as we speak!!!!! Threw out like 10 clones to make room but they looked like hell so they are gone!!!! I still have like two feet of snow so i will be waiting a bit for outdoor gardening. glad your set up is going well have a good night


Well-Known Member
hey email i am planting veggy seeds as we speak!!!!! Threw out like 10 clones to make room but they looked like hell so they are gone!!!! I still have like two feet of snow so i will be waiting a bit for outdoor gardening. glad your set up is going well have a good night
thanks kaya - i really will be starting a new journal soon (they've been flowering nearly a week so i better get a move on!).


Well-Known Member
haha I just spent an hour reading this now your saying your going to do another that are already in flower. geeesh. jk I'm looking forward to it!
I'm still doing soil but that now that I've been earning some good scratch I could probably get myself going half decent. ugggrhh I guess I can't wait.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
haha I just spent an hour reading this now your saying your going to do another that are already in flower. geeesh. jk I'm looking forward to it!
I'm still doing soil but that now that I've been earning some good scratch I could probably get myself going half decent. ugggrhh I guess I can't wait.:mrgreen:
I don't know if you made it to the harvest pix but there is where the harvest pix start...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I read it all thnks. what I was getting at was your NEW journal. If you are already flowering in real time when you start posting your thread it's going to be another hour of But like I said I'm looking forward to it.
I was just going thru my sidewaze days journal the other day with a friend who had never seen it. That brought back some memories of alot of work. I kinda like your way of doing it. get all the info/notes/time stamped pics etc. And then if you mess up you don't have to make a journall lol. or just do it at your own pace cause some days you just don't feel like puttin in the time.

ROCK ON!!!!!


'yes im a ganja planter'
just read all your grow journal and wow nice job man i really wanna try hydro anyway get back at me


Well-Known Member
just read all your grow journal and wow nice job man i really wanna try hydro anyway get back at me
glad you enjoyed it - and thanks for checking it out! you should put a link to your journal in your sig so folks can find it easy!


Well-Known Member
hows it going email those babies must be fillling in a bit starting to look more like a flowering plant!!!!! hope the grow is going well:)


Well-Known Member
no shit!!! i dont think i have seen them sence they may have been like four inches tall!!! Thats nuts, great work email they look happy!