Obama's out


New Member
wow...you guys are deep...I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.


Well-Known Member
if Hillary doe hurt the democratic party who cares no one left to vote for anyway besides we all know the christian right will catapult their man mccain into office. if the dems can't settle this between themselves they deserve to lose.


New Member
if Hillary doe hurt the democratic party who cares no one left to vote for anyway besides we all know the christian right will catapult their man mccain into office. if the dems can't settle this between themselves they deserve to lose.
You may be right, but I don't think the country can withstand 4-8 more years of Bush politics.


Well-Known Member
if Hillary doe hurt the democratic party who cares no one left to vote for anyway besides we all know the christian right will catapult their man mccain into office. if the dems can't settle this between themselves they deserve to lose.
A wise man once said, "we get the government we deserve."


New Member
I do not understand this shit, if the democrats can't settle it between themselves, they deserve to lose...that's what they are doing , settling it themselves...they are doing what they supposed to do, they are giving the people a choice...the process is working just like it should.


New Member
I think this is the democrats election to lose. They would win handily if they didn't destroy each other before the convention. If the Republicans win this election, legaly and above board????? It will be the sole fault of the Democrats.


Well-Known Member
I think this is the democrats election to lose. They would win handily if they didn't destroy each other before the convention. If the Republicans win this election, legaly and above board????? It will be the sole fault of the Democrats.
i hope they don't ruin each other......... I don't think we want/need another repuke in here after the tumult with :spew:bush.

whoever wants to vote for a republican say "yay".

edit- or say "nay" if you don't want a republican in office.



Well-Known Member
I think this is the democrats election to lose. They would win handily if they didn't destroy each other before the convention. If the Republicans win this election, legaly and above board????? It will be the sole fault of the Democrats.
I have heard about 1952. I'm old, but not a fossil yet. Anyway, 1952 was the last BROKERED CONVENTION!!!!!! That was when the devils chomped cigars in the back room and decided what America was going to see.

Guess what? 2008 will be a democrat brokered convention. That has a bunch of the party faithfuls with panty-bunchies. Things are going really strange before this is over.

And medicineman is correct, for a change. (just a joke Bubba) This is the demos turn at the prom. But, their Packard has a couple flat tires. If the convention does not smooth things out quick, the republicans win by default.

Furthermore, I believe Mr. Edwards is the wild card here. Most demos and many repubs think the guy has a nice smile. If he is willing to be somebody's second banana, then the demos win. The second wild card here is the little know fact, that Mr. Edwards and John McCain are chums. It is not too far-fetched of an idea, that Edwards jumps parties and becomes Lt. McCain's second banana.


New Member
I have heard about 1952. I'm old, but not a fossil yet. Anyway, 1952 was the last BROKERED CONVENTION!!!!!! That was when the devils chomped cigars in the back room and decided what America was going to see.

Guess what? 2008 will be a democrat brokered convention. That has a bunch of the party faithfuls with panty-bunchies. Things are going really strange before this is over.

And medicineman is correct, for a change. (just a joke Bubba) This is the demos turn at the prom. But, their Packard has a couple flat tires. If the convention does not smooth things out quick, the republicans win by default.

Furthermore, I believe Mr. Edwards is the wild card here. Most demos and many repubs think the guy has a nice smile. If he is willing to be somebody's second banana, then the demos win. The second wild card here is the little know fact, that Mr. Edwards and John McCain are chums. It is not too far-fetched of an idea, that Edwards jumps parties and becomes Lt. McCain's second banana.
what about Kennedy and Johnson in 1960? oh yeah...1968 there were 3 going into the convention, Humphrey McCarthy and Kennedy...we know what happened to Kennedy...Edwards is going to come out for Hillary before the North Carolina primary....


Well-Known Member
what about Kennedy and Johnson in 1960? oh yeah...1968 there were 3 going into the convention, Humphrey McCarthy and Kennedy...we know what happened to Kennedy...Edwards is going to come out for Hillary before the North Carolina primary....
You are correct about Kennedy-Johnson being a spit-ball fight. But, the last knock down and drag out, was 1952. Or so I have heard pundits make this claim.