been growing for almost 6 years now and lately my last 2 crops have decreased TREMDOUSLY in yeild and i can not for the life of me figure out the cause
heres the stats
drip clean
root excel
algen extract
multi zyme
top booster
bud xl
shooting powder
head master
cal mag
magic green foliar
ppm 1100 7th week of flower
ph 6.0
ive used this same soup for other batches and i was pulling a pound and a quarter of my 1000 watter now im barely hitting 3/4 lb and with it being winter now my conditions are even better than be for
temp 68-75 day
60- 68 night
humidity between 38-55
dont get it, i even ran 6 new strains 1 plant of each to see if it was genetics and alllll of them produced nothing but popcorn nuggets....
heres the stats
drip clean
root excel
algen extract
multi zyme
top booster
bud xl
shooting powder
head master
cal mag
magic green foliar
ppm 1100 7th week of flower
ph 6.0
ive used this same soup for other batches and i was pulling a pound and a quarter of my 1000 watter now im barely hitting 3/4 lb and with it being winter now my conditions are even better than be for
temp 68-75 day
60- 68 night
humidity between 38-55
dont get it, i even ran 6 new strains 1 plant of each to see if it was genetics and alllll of them produced nothing but popcorn nuggets....