First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]

im not a lier
so i will admit :
ive never taken drugs (apart from alcohol and medicine for coughs n stuff)
so i dont know how all the stuff you guys do feel :P

so yeh, i wanna know,

post ur FIRST experience (only first so we can see the first time effects so people (me) dont get shocked when something happens that you didnt expect)

this is what i think on the drugs i know about :

cocain : stimulant - makes u hyper n stuff
weed : relaxes you makes u see a different prospective of life
lsd: sweet dreams alabama (or how ever it goes) basicly what you see gets fucked up in ur head and u see cool stuff LOL (or bad stuff/bad trip)
shrooms : do the same as above - and are easy to grow lol

i dont know guys, i feel like such a newbie LOL
weed lsd and shrooms seem to be the safest and most powerful drugs to stimulate the brain :P

--- post your first experiences---
il start
alcohol, - my dad drinks sometimes and i rob his bottle and drink it when everyones asleep lol (i was like 10 years old when i first drank alcohol)
but dont remember and it doesnt count cos i didnt get drunk lol , but now im 19 i drink on week ends with friends at partys or ther houses, but dont wanna drink too much cos i dont wanna fuck up my liver or something lol but yeh, the first time i had allot to drink was awesome, i felt so laid back , had a slight headache and laughed at anything, idk if thats supposed to happen but thats what happened :P maybe im just fucked in the head anyway lool



Well-Known Member
Is it just me? I don't really think anyone should drink every weekend. I'm just not into the 'go out and get fucked culture' my friends do. It sounds hypocritical as a weed smoker.

I can't really remember the first time I ever smoked exactly. I was at a friend's house and they would pass a joint around countless times I'd been and I just remember always having taken a few tokes every time it came around. i smoked cigarettes before that so I just took it and puffed as if it were a normal cigarette.

To begin with everything couchlocked me, strain regardless. I felt like I was on a boat, heavy and dreamlike, but pleasant. I did feel a bit nauseous occasionally, and always hungry. Actually, it was probably eating too much candy that did it.

Only now as a daily smoker can I truly observe and record distinctive highs. I guess when you start all smoking equals the same to you: FUCKED.

Hmm... Talk to Frank?

Why exactly do you want to try weed and what is it you want from it? Not all weed is the same. What you smoke, how much you smoke, where when and why will differ for everyone. I just hope you don't have the 'I don't care what it is as long as it gets me fucked up' attitude so many kids have.

Be safe <3
to be honest i just wanna chill with friends, just for fun, not like a daily thing- and i dont drink every weekend, i didnt make that clear in my first post sorry :P just if anything is up, have a beer or 2 with the lads :P
and yer ur right, u gotta be safe with everything, like i dont trust the shrooms from anyone because the dealer wont care about ur health they care about the money, so ima grow my own :P but not now, after i move out from my parents so they dont throw my shrooms out :P

but yeh, just a once a month thing or something


Ursus marijanus
The thing about drugs is ... describing them is really useless. The cool drugs have effects at a level that words simply cannot capture.
The drugs that can be described more or less with words (opioids, stimulants, sedatives) correspond to the addictive/dangerous ones, usually in pill form. Jmo. cn
yehh, thts a good explenation to be honest. i agree 100%
look at every drug, and look at its risks, im not a risk taker i will stay away from those drugs no matter what it takes. but then look at cannabis, magic musrooms and LSD they have little or no risks, the only risks that i always see is something to do with history of mental illnesses - and if you have a mental illness dont take them, its as simple as that, and looking at myself i dont think i have a mental illness lol maybe im a bit dopey at times (dopey, do u get it? ahah) xD but yhh they shouldnt be illegal unless ur driving under the influence of them, its kind of like drinking alcohol but the risks may be greater if you have a bad trip but there are no long lasting effects so why is it illegal? idk :|


Well-Known Member
The thing about drugs is ... describing them is really useless. The cool drugs have effects at a level that words simply cannot capture.
The drugs that can be described more or less with words (opioids, stimulants, sedatives) correspond to the addictive/dangerous ones, usually in pill form. Jmo. cn
I can describe it perfectly. When I smoke cannabis, I feel "high" or "stoned".


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Did mushrooms for the first time at Tonasket Barter Faire. Oh wow, what a good time. We ended up "trapped" in my car, in the parking lot, for about 4 hours. The ceiling was making some very beautiful shapes and patterns...and oh my body felt amazing. My girlfriend at the time, now ex, put it perfectly.... "If I was in a bathtub full of jello...I'd be in heaven..." Pretty much how I felt. Long live mushrooms. Also, getting the spores to sprout, is actually not easy, if you do it indoors.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
My first experience with Hash was a real eye opener to how high some people get, A friend that smokes a lot more than I have ever done came around one day, asked me where the bong was... So I got it out... he pulled out what I would estimate as half an ounce out of his jacket, chopped up an eighth in the kitchen on the chopping board with one of those rock and chop things... I thought what a nice surprise... he loaded it up then pulled it... and again... and then he said you've gotta have some of this as he was reaching back in his jacket... He pulled out a block of hash about half the size of my thumb, put a small amount of weed in the cone/bowl then proceeded to twist off a lump and squeeze it into the remaining area of the bowl/cone and then he pulled that... Then he re packed it just the same and handed it to me...

That shit hit me so hard I nearly fainted and I would swear that my head exploded at that moment... after about 15 minutes I stopped hearing my heart beat so loudly and got on with some more smoking but OMG... Hash is not for me to smoke...

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
My first experience with Hash was a real eye opener to how high some people get, A friend that smokes a lot more than I have ever done came around one day, asked me where the bong was... So I got it out... he pulled out what I would estimate as half an ounce out of his jacket, chopped up an eighth in the kitchen on the chopping board with one of those rock and chop things... I thought what a nice surprise... he loaded it up then pulled it... and again... and then he said you've gotta have some of this as he was reaching back in his jacket... He pulled out a block of hash about half the size of my thumb, put a small amount of weed in the cone/bowl then proceeded to twist off a lump and squeeze it into the remaining area of the bowl/cone and then he pulled that... Then he re packed it just the same and handed it to me...

That shit hit me so hard I nearly fainted and I would swear that my head exploded at that moment... after about 15 minutes I stopped hearing my heart beat so loudly and got on with some more smoking but OMG... Hash is not for me to smoke...
Give honey oil a go mate. That'll sort you out. I smoke a's amazing...brings me to another story!

My buddy made his own BHO...I didn't know this until I showed up one day and he had a batch done. I had never smoked it, but hey it's just weed...kind of lol. Same chemicals....super concentrated. Wasn't aware. Figured it was liquidy hash. I've smoked plenty of hash.

Long story short...3 dabs and 10 minutes later...I was scared to drive home. Haha I did anyway, naturally. But fuck me running I was high as a fucking kite. I've only been higher then that one time in my life. Me and 2 buddies burned through almost an entire quarter of Sour D. Good times.


Well-Known Member
My first experience with Hash was a real eye opener to how high some people get, A friend that smokes a lot more than I have ever done came around one day, asked me where the bong was... So I got it out... he pulled out what I would estimate as half an ounce out of his jacket, chopped up an eighth in the kitchen on the chopping board with one of those rock and chop things... I thought what a nice surprise... he loaded it up then pulled it... and again... and then he said you've gotta have some of this as he was reaching back in his jacket... He pulled out a block of hash about half the size of my thumb, put a small amount of weed in the cone/bowl then proceeded to twist off a lump and squeeze it into the remaining area of the bowl/cone and then he pulled that... Then he re packed it just the same and handed it to me...

That shit hit me so hard I nearly fainted and I would swear that my head exploded at that moment... after about 15 minutes I stopped hearing my heart beat so loudly and got on with some more smoking but OMG... Hash is not for me to smoke...
You pussy!