Frawsti's PC grow box - AK47xLowrider


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Hi! I'm fixing to start my second grow, I just ordered the seeds. Before I start, first I'd like to give full credit to Penyajo, for his box is what inspired this.

I'll be using 10 60w (300w "equivalent") CFL's on a power strip with Y connectors, they are just currently preoccupied with my first grow.

I've got three fans hooked to independent power sources to be running 24/7. I'm not really positive as to if they will keep the case cool enough, nor whether i should have one facing out and the other two in. There are carbon filters attached to the outsides of the fans as well.

The entire case is lined in reflective insulation, which is another reason i believe it might be too hot. What's the ideal temp range?

All computer parts were removed, the metal plating was also removed (pain in the ass).

Old FULL tower computer case & two fans - Scrap Yard $1.70
1 fan - Radio shack $9.99
3x Batterys and adaptors for fans - Radio shack ~$11
Reflective insulation - Lowes $12
Tupperware bucket - Walmart $2
Total - $36.69

Any changes I should make? As well as any ideas to keep heat down.

comp (1).jpgcomp (3).jpgcomp (2).jpg


Active Member
I ordered my seeds over a month ago, finally got a customs note last week in the mail, so i reordered ):
damn frawsty i wanted to see this setup. I'm building a pc like that right now did you just hot glue a light strip in there to hold the cfls?


Active Member
damn frawsty i wanted to see this setup. I'm building a pc like that right now did you just hot glue a light strip in there to hold the cfls?
Actually there's a little one inch hole at the top of my pc that i just put a piece of metal laying ontop of vertically, so i can wrap string around both ends and hold up my light source. That way it can be lowered or raised by twisting the piece of metal. :]

Here's all my other shit, im using UVB lighting in addition to CFL's (the original post says 10 300w EQUIV cfls but i couldn't fit them in the case ;-;)

IMG181 - Copy.jpg
Thinking about starting a PC setup! My only question is how air tight are they? Will the skunk stay in the box or will it be noticeable in the room?


Active Member
Thinking about starting a PC setup! My only question is how air tight are they? Will the skunk stay in the box or will it be noticeable in the room?
I have no idea, but i just recently put thin carbon filters covering my fan to prevent light leak/conceal smell. I'd assume with a old case like mine the smell will reak anyways
awesome frawsti thanks thats funny i have some huge 160watt uva/uvb reptile vapor bulbs you think those would work well to grow? I'm new to the whole indoor growing thing i was thinking about throwing a plant in with my lizard for shits


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Active Member
did you make this your self? Props man. i know first hand how hard it is to make this. from the ground up.
Yeah i did, thanks. It's pretty ghetto, the really hard part was getting the metal separators out of the case. I basically ended up smashing the hell out of it with a hammer then bending the case back to normal afterwards. It wasn't removable via screws, lol. Then i cut sheets of cardboard as a first layer to the inside of the box, with spaces for the fan. I glued them in, then cut sheets of reflective sheeting to glue onto the cardboard. The fans are being held via screws into cardboard/insulation that's cut to fit them.

The carbon filters filters (not pictured) are a new addition, along with a slightly taller pot. My case is extreamly tall, as it's a older model so there's a lot of space.


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I got my seeds today! Just planted them directly in dirt, will let you know when theres a sprout(:

Oh, also i forgot to mention that im gonna do two in one case.


Active Member
Thinking about starting a PC setup! My only question is how air tight are they? Will the skunk stay in the box or will it be noticeable in the room?
Now that i have lights in the PC i can tell it isnt air tight at all, theres a lot of light leaks. It's an older PC, though. If anyone wants to do their own PC setup, i'd suggest heading over to and buying a cheap case with lots of space inside. They include fans ^.^


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I can't keep the temps below 96 degrees..the uvb is way too hot. I guess I will be leaving the side panel off.


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Temps in case running at 106f while closed, 81 while open. My fans just aren't cutting it. Just ordered new fans off newegg, in the meanwhile I've got a air purifier blasting into the back of the case with the side panels on. Temps running at 79f this way.


Active Member
Okay. A lot of trial and error with the temps.

The room that the PC box is in, is my room. So at night it has a space heater running (with heat sensors based on what temp i set). My temps look a lot like this:

Outside temp : Temp inside case(while sealed with no cpu fans)
-80 -115
-75 -106
-71 -98
-65 -90

Ouside temp - Temp inside case (while sealed with a air purifier blowing into it [much higher cmf])
-80 - 92
-75 - 81
-71 - 70 (?)
-65 - 69

If i leave the side off the case the temps obviously run about at the same.

The temps are getting really hard to maintain because during the day, there's no space heater running and my temps can range based on outside temps.. So for now ive got a space heater running 24-7 (fucking 2200w) until i can work something out. The cold of the winter is making this damn near impossible.


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As of right now I'm using 6 bulbs. I could fit ten and have the temp under control but the few UVB bulb put off too much heat. Its all good now, though. Got a new space heater that adjusts temp based on what I set ^_^