Help with gnats and using AzaMax

I had trouble with gnats starting with my last grow cycle. I treated my clones as they were infested badly. I treated them with 10 ml/gal of AzaMax before transplanting them into fresh dirt. Shortly after transplanting (about 1 week), I noticed a few gnats from catching them in the juice I had set out to monitor infestation. It was one day from the 10 administration cycle for AzaMax, so I gave them some more medicine and plan on giving them more in ten days which will put them into the 4th week of vegetation.

Am I using enough AzaMax for my problem? Is there anything else I can do? I am using air pots so putting sand on the top won't work.

Can you give AzaMax in the budding cycle?

Help, please.


Well-Known Member
You are soil drenching with the Azamax? I'm kind of surprised that one round didn't take care of it.


Active Member
As stated above.... You need to mix up gallons of the Azamax... PH it, then water the soil or coco until you have run off (virtually drenching it)... One application of this should kill them.... Say your using 5 gallon buckets..... YOu will need about 2 gallons of Water/Azamax for each plant to properly saturate them...

And yes, you can use Azamax during flower.... Just dont ever use anything for the last 2 weeks, and you will be fine...


Active Member
don't forget they don't only live in your medium but also live in the drains, runnof trains and other dark moist areas in the grow room.
As stated above.... You need to mix up gallons of the Azamax... PH it, then water the soil or coco until you have run off (virtually drenching it)... One application of this should kill them.... Say your using 5 gallon buckets..... YOu will need about 2 gallons of Water/Azamax for each plant to properly saturate them...

And yes, you can use Azamax during flower.... Just dont ever use anything for the last 2 weeks, and you will be fine...
But do use 2 TB per gallon for my vegetation phase? Does it usually raise or lower the ph as right now I only have ph up.


Well-Known Member
lol. don't worry about the pH. It shouldn't effect it much to begin with but considering you are doing a one time strong flush it isn't going to matter. Use the amount it specifies for soil drenching - it's in the booklet that comes with the Azamax.


Well-Known Member
I have used Azamax and Gnatrol to help rid of a gnat infestation, they came back every time. The only thing I could find to work is Predatory nematodes, a ringworm that munches on the larvae of fungus gnats. Fungus Gnats like to have a fuck fest and drop larvae into your medium. Most good grow stores and nurseries will sell them if not order them online they are like 20 bucks for 1 million. Then use the yellow sticky traps to catch adults and use Fox Farm Dont Bug me spray to kill any other ones you see.
I had the same problem with air pots they will climb in and out of the little holes so using sand or DE Earth is not going to solve your problem. Try this I thought about it but didnt do it. Take a pantyhose and use it create a makeshift net around your pot to catch any escaping adults.
I have used Azamax and Gnatrol to help rid of a gnat infestation, they came back every time. The only thing I could find to work is Predatory nematodes, a ringworm that munches on the larvae of fungus gnats. Fungus Gnats like to have a fuck fest and drop larvae into your medium. Most good grow stores and nurseries will sell them if not order them online they are like 20 bucks for 1 million. Then use the yellow sticky traps to catch adults and use Fox Farm Dont Bug me spray to kill any other ones you see.
I had the same problem with air pots they will climb in and out of the little holes so using sand or DE Earth is not going to solve your problem. Try this I thought about it but didnt do it. Take a pantyhose and use it create a makeshift net around your pot to catch any escaping adults.
Thanks for your reply. How much and how do you apply the nematodes?
lol. don't worry about the pH. It shouldn't effect it much to begin with but considering you are doing a one time strong flush it isn't going to matter. Use the amount it specifies for soil drenching - it's in the booklet that comes with the Azamax.
Should I spray with Azamax the same day that I do the soil drench?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your reply. How much and how do you apply the nematodes?
They come in a sponge. YOu can cut the sponge in half and save it in the refrigerator or you can use the whole sponge. You just add the sponge to a watering can filled with PH water and drench your medium. The nematodes will munch on the larvae and you will have to catch the adults with sticky pads or something else. It works dude and nothing is better than fighting nature with nature..

This is where I ordered my nematodes from they send them with a ice pack too.

beans davis

Well-Known Member
Gognats is what i use, it works great.Sometimes i use gnatrol as a preventive.Put redwine vinager in cups 1/2 full for the flying ones although they don't live long.It's the larva in the roots that get you.


Well-Known Member
Gognats is what i use, it works great.Sometimes i use gnatrol as a preventive.Put redwine vinager in cups 1/2 full for the flying ones although they don't live long.It's the larva in the roots that get you.
Exactly.. I bought Gognats and returned because people were scaring me saying it fried all thier plants. Azamax even made all my larry Og's sad thats why I went the nematode route. But Beans is exactly right it aint the adults that are a pain in the ass because they get stuck in your sugar leaves/buds from the sticky THC, lol it's the damn larvae in the medium thats annoying. If you shake your tree and you get gnats all over your arm just pull it. I fucking hate gnats they are more annoying than damaging.