First Hit on anything (first time experiences) [DISCUSS:]


Well-Known Member
When I smoke cannabis it makes all the anger and frustration that I've been building up just melt away, and saves lives. I'm bi-polar w/intermittent explosive and schitzoaffective disorders, without that stress relief I'd have killed someone, for sure.


Well-Known Member
When I smoke cannabis it makes all the anger and frustration that I've been building up just melt away, and saves lives. I'm bi-polar w/intermittent explosive and schitzoaffective disorders, without that stress relief I'd have killed someone, for sure.
i'ma thinkn you meant for this to go in the bi-polar thread big O


Well-Known Member
The only first time drug experience i've had that BLEW me away was mushrooms.

Those little fuckers take you to a new level. My first trip was on azurescens...potent


Well-Known Member
nothing adds up to the 1st time I smoked dust.Gone is the only way to describe it.I dont recommend anybody smoke it lol but if you do only hit it like 5 times.
Smoked a whole newport 100 for my 1st time when I was like 13 or 14,it felt like I was slowly dying lol.Its like you try and make sense of the shit happening to you but your mind is so fucked up from it that you cant think at all.
Then on top of it your whole bodies numb and your lips feel swollen and shit lol,if you over do it it's not fun at all.


Well-Known Member
so yeh, i wanna know,

post ur FIRST experience (only first so we can see the first time effects so people (me) dont get shocked when something happens that you didnt expect)

Lol, my first time smoking story:

I had been learning about weed and how it wasn't that bad for you and was curious to try it. My friends and i went to a creek where they pulled out some weed and a pipe. I decided to try it. Take a hit pass it around. Take another pass it around. Take a third hit, at this point i start feeling light headed my friend insists i take his hits but i turn down any more as I'm feeling weird and light headed.

BAM, i pass out and face plant into the water. My friends manage to drag me out of the water and onto some rocks/pebbles.

I wake up dazed and confused everything is bright and glowing and i have no clue where the fuck i am or how i got there. Then i realize what happened, "Im lucid dreaming!" i had been trying for a couple weeks and this was exactly like a dream. I smiled taking in the beauty of my dream world. THen i started thinking... "what a minute i kinda remember walking down to the creek... why do i feel so weird..." then i finally remembered after a couple minutes of staring up at my friends (not responding who were asking me if i was okay) that i had smoked weed and this WASNT a dream. I looked up at them and said "guys this isn't a dream" All my friends burst out laughing and remind me all the time :P

But it was awesome everything glowed and i felt wrapped in a layer of comfy. Like those days you get enough rest and everything is going perfect.


Well-Known Member
DMT....first experience was when I was 16. pretty much I sprinkled barely any over some dro and hit the shit out of it.... heard a slight buzzing in my looked like a painting....hands had trenches and symbols on them..... the lighter I was holding sank into my hand and became part of it....My voice sounded bubbly.... laughed soooo hard due to the fun....looked at a brick wall and saw the bricks moving in a pattern..... friend popped out of the wall.... friend had a pyramid of eyes and was dressed in some strange foreign camoflauge stuff.... water hose went on forever... and other stuff I can't remember....I'm pretty sure it lasted for 2-3 minutes, but of course I was tripping so who knows lol.


Well-Known Member
First time smoking was, I was 14-15. Stayed the night at a friend's house. His sister came home after midnite with a lid for us. We went in the backyard and smoked a joint. About halfway thru I looked at his face and it changed into another friend of ours and I mentioned it and we laughed. We went into his bedroom, I was in a sleeping bag on the floor and he was in his bed. We put Pink Floyd's Saucerful of Secrets album on (keep in mind this was the late 60's) and I was REALLY enjoying the music, as well as feeling like a fuzzy caterpillar was crawling down my throat. I didn't freak out, I realized I could mentally control it.


Well-Known Member
nothing adds up to the 1st time I smoked dust.Gone is the only way to describe it.I dont recommend anybody smoke it lol but if you do only hit it like 5 times.
Smoked a whole newport 100 for my 1st time when I was like 13 or 14,it felt like I was slowly dying lol.Its like you try and make sense of the shit happening to you but your mind is so fucked up from it that you cant think at all.
Then on top of it your whole bodies numb and your lips feel swollen and shit lol,if you over do it it's not fun at all.
Fuck that, 3 hits and I was done. Only did it twice. Didn't dig it.