Hi guys,
I am having a problem with my plant, the tip of the leaves is getting burned and I am not sure what the problem is. This is my first grow so I have absolutely no experience other than what I have been able to learn on line. I am growing in soil as you will be able to see in the pics and using a bag seed in hopes that if it was successful I would grow better stuff.
In any case, I am using a mixture of worm castings, bat guano and organic matter and yesterday I measured the PH and it was 7.0. Using tap water and the PH is also 7.0, watering every three days or when the soil is obviously dry. The plant is 19 days old and I have only fed it once, 6 days ago with a 30% solution of a 30.10.10 nutrient (NPK). For lights I am using a 90W LED from Sunshine Systems plus two 200 watts CFL in a grow box which I built myself. The temperature inside the grow box varies from 74 to 84 F.
I have 4 other seedlings but those are about a week old and do not show any symptoms.
Like I said, I am not sure what I am doing wrong so I ask for your help and experience.
All of your comments and advice will be greatly appreciated.
I am having a problem with my plant, the tip of the leaves is getting burned and I am not sure what the problem is. This is my first grow so I have absolutely no experience other than what I have been able to learn on line. I am growing in soil as you will be able to see in the pics and using a bag seed in hopes that if it was successful I would grow better stuff.
In any case, I am using a mixture of worm castings, bat guano and organic matter and yesterday I measured the PH and it was 7.0. Using tap water and the PH is also 7.0, watering every three days or when the soil is obviously dry. The plant is 19 days old and I have only fed it once, 6 days ago with a 30% solution of a 30.10.10 nutrient (NPK). For lights I am using a 90W LED from Sunshine Systems plus two 200 watts CFL in a grow box which I built myself. The temperature inside the grow box varies from 74 to 84 F.
I have 4 other seedlings but those are about a week old and do not show any symptoms.
Like I said, I am not sure what I am doing wrong so I ask for your help and experience.
All of your comments and advice will be greatly appreciated.