*Cold* Winter Grow *Cold*


Hey all just making a post about my new grow. I started this grow on 12/1/11, it's a very healthy plant and i'm about 2 1/2 weeks into vegetation. Iv'e had my plant reviewed by numerous fellow members of the forums and we think it may be a purple strain but time has yet to tell this seed was a seed that i had from a mix of cali kush, kb, mids seeds so it was a luck of the draw you can say. but anyway the plant as of 11:00 AM stands 5 and a half inches tall. but this post is just to keep those people who are interested in giving advice and just watching a plant grow but this will give the community incite on how my plant is not only growing but you will also get to see issues i run into and what not but anyway time to post some pics (:Update: 3:06 AM, Dec 30, 2011 - Pictures are now in order. I skipped like 3-6 days at a time or else there would be like 30 pictures up and it would take up to much so i'm going to post a pic every like 3-6 days so that way there the thread is not spammed with photos... (:Update: 12:27 PM, Dec 30, 2011 Haha, Leaves are a bit droopy today :DMC droopy dec 30.jpg

Update: New Year UPDATE! 1/1/2012 ~ Happy New Years All!......
Here is what she looks like, clipped a set of fan leaves off today do an experiment :) i'm like a scientist always doing experiments with my plants XD.......New grow day 31.jpg



Well-Known Member
Seeing as you mentioned cold weather and growing here is something for your consideration.
If you dry and cure your bud by leaving it out to dry then you need to remember that
cold weather climes, like me here in Michigan, have real low humidity during the winter.
This means that crops that took 5-8 days to dry in better weather will dry (and dry out)
in just a couple days. Bud left out to cure now turns crispy real quick. So I use a cheapie
humidifier from WalMart (about $20) so my bud dries at 50% RH instead of 20%. Get the
kind you put water into as that's exactly what you want to do. If the ambient humidity
is higher, wetter, your product will dry slower and more even. That's a good thing.

Good luck, BigSteve, 2012 = 48 years toking. Anyone top that?


Seeing as you mentioned cold weather and growing here is something for your consideration.
If you dry and cure your bud by leaving it out to dry then you need to remember that
cold weather climes, like me here in Michigan, have real low humidity during the winter.
This means that crops that took 5-8 days to dry in better weather will dry (and dry out)
in just a couple days. Bud left out to cure now turns crispy real quick. So I use a cheapie
humidifier from WalMart (about $20) so my bud dries at 50% RH instead of 20%. Get the
kind you put water into as that's exactly what you want to do. If the ambient humidity
is higher, wetter, your product will dry slower and more even. That's a good thing.

Good luck, BigSteve, 2012 = 48 years toking. Anyone top that?
Well thanks for the advice man, i love on the east coast so yes its a bit dryer in the winter than the summer here but yea i was going to keep the humidity down to like 20% humidity when drying and curing (: :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Looks like they were starving for some (NPK/MG) food at one point there and you boosted them and the last couple picture shows their gratitude! Of course the red stems could be a trait of the plant! What's your PPM at, 800 or so?


Looks like they were starving for some (NPK/MG) food at one point there and you boosted them and the last couple picture shows their gratitude! Of course the red stems could be a trait of the plant! What's your PPM at, 800 or so?
I think its some where around 800-825 parts per but ill have to check it again and get back to you, its been a while. :P


Well-Known Member
Cool, sounds about right! It's been awhile since I used hydro, but it sticks with ya! It's probably nothing to worry about, those last pics show some healthy foliage going. Hydro is great in its flexibility and ability to correct imbalances - if any. Do you use distilled? I really had no luck with tap, once switching to distilled my plants were something of a Rocky come-back, but Cal-mag and the right amount of micro was important to supplement.


Active Member
Hey man, just wanted to stop by and say whats up. Plant is looking good very nice and healthy green. Hope things go great for you.

Happy smokin and growin!



Cool, sounds about right! It's been awhile since I used hydro, but it sticks with ya! It's probably nothing to worry about, those last pics show some healthy foliage going. Hydro is great in its flexibility and ability to correct imbalances - if any. Do you use distilled? I really had no luck with tap, once switching to distilled my plants were something of a Rocky come-back, but Cal-mag and the right amount of micro was important to supplement.
Well see the good thing about where i live is the tap water is just the right PH for growing. I last checked the PH of my water about a week ago and it was reading 6.0% - 6.3% so all in all i'm saving alot of money from having to run out and get spring water. Funny thing i found out about our tap is the PH of the water's acid is lower in the winter than in the summer i do not know why this is but i guess it works out for me cause i only grow in the winter (:


Active Member
your plant looks very nice and healthy,i like the way you can see it grow every pic


Hey man, just wanted to stop by and say whats up. Plant is looking good very nice and healthy green. Hope things go great for you.

Happy smokin and growin!

Thanks man much love for the herb. Treat your plants as if it is your own child :D...another thing your growbox looks very nice looks like a good amount of clearance for your tree's and if you have any Q's or C's please feel free to ask (:

Happy Toking!


Well-Known Member
5.5-5.8 is where I personally had best results and it def required daily adjustments with pH up and down when the plants got big. I used typical synthetic GH line of grow/bloom/micro and had awesome results. I think I just did the basic recipe on the bottle really too. Simple line with great pH buffering. What are you using?

And I hear ya, buying water is a pain and not cheap in the long run, especially if you have a large res, but I can't help but recommend it despite the price. You will see a difference, assuming you've got the pH and PPM in check IMHO. Alongside some liquid karma, you can't go wrong. I used a potash supplement in flowering too which was great. In fact I threw cannazyme/rhizotonic and all kinds of stuff in there. The more diversity, the better.


5.5-5.8 is where I personally had best results and it def required daily adjustments with pH up and down when the plants got big. I used typical synthetic GH line of grow/bloom/micro and had awesome results. I think I just did the basic recipe on the bottle really too. Simple line with great pH buffering. What are you using?

And I hear ya, buying water is a pain and not cheap in the long run, especially if you have a large res, but I can't help but recommend it despite the price. You will see a difference, assuming you've got the pH and PPM in check IMHO. Alongside some liquid karma, you can't go wrong. I used a potash supplement in flowering too which was great. In fact I threw cannazyme/rhizotonic and all kinds of stuff in there. The more diversity, the better.
Yes it is a pain i guess you can just say i got lucky when it comes to the water supply for the plants


your plant looks very nice and healthy,i like the way you can see it grow every pic
Thanks a lot it inspires me to do better when i get comments like this :D be sure to keep up with the updates. All updated pics will be on the first page first post.


Hey all Just a mini update. Got a top view of the plant but i'm noticing some sagging in a few of the fan leaves i know i did not over water cause its an aeroponics system so i know that cancels that out and they woke up at 3:57 AM so they have been up for 9 hours so i know there not just waking up but i mean it don't look like something i should be alarmed about but just give me your insite on what you think.

New plant dec 30.jpg


Active Member
Nice pic. Like the color of the leaves, they have a dark green almost purple tint to them. I am pretty sure a little sag is normal for the fan leaves. Mine do it too.