$65,000 for free electricity for LIFE? Doesn't sound bad to me. This is assuming your highest estimate to have all of the electricity you would ever need. Assume you pay $250 a month in electricity a month right now. That's $3,000 a year. So every 22 years you pay that much over again. I'm probably planning on living for over 40 years, so it would make sense for me to invest now in one of those solar systems and save over $60,000 over the course of my life. Also, this is all asuming that electricity bills don't go up in cost over the next 22 years, which they most certainly will. So if you pay $250 a month now, in 20 years you'll probaby pay over $500 a month. So in 22 years if I bout that solar system I would be getting free electricity. If you didn't, you would have paid $65,000 anyway in electricity bills, plus paying an additional $6,000 a year. You save money in the long run any way that you cut it. And that example is the worst possible case scenereo.