I have been using the simple Habanero spray for about a month or so now and Id say that if you just man up and use the spray, and try to think like a mite its pretty fool proof. Achieving complete genocide isnt something that comes easy, especially if you dont believe in using bogus chemicals in, around, and on your plants like me. With all that said, this spray is really gnarly and is definitely going to kill shit on contact, and as previously stated its not going to kill the eggs and there pretty much isnt anything natural in the world that kills eggs well at all except for cloves. All you have to do is diagnose how serious your issue is, and spray as frequent as you need to according to your environment and how well it harbors reproduction. My rule of thumb would be that once you have realized that you have an issue, you can start spraying them twice a day if you really want to, but I would just do it once a day for 3 days off the bat. After that I would cut it down to every other day for like a week and see where I am at. Using this spray once will drastically reduce your population in general, and its extremely cheap. I recommend trying it. Plus you can use it pretty far into flowering.