1/4 hp water chiller to chill 3 55 gal reservoirs via cold exchanger process!????????

Hydro daze

Active Member
large ice chest to hold chilled water. Plan is to pump water thru copper immersion coils in the reservoirs using the immersion coils as cold exchangers! this way i can run mother res,veg res, and flower res all chilled with one chiller! Has anyone there tied this? copper coils are 30 bucks x 3! in my head it should work! anyone have other ideas thanks!Got bunch of blue dreams waiting for a home!


Active Member
Copper is poison to living stuff, Stainless would be a better choice, in my opinion. I am setting up a couple of loops of 1/2 in plastic in the bottom of my 30 spot EZ cloner that come right out of my chiller & then into the resevoir. Open thru resevoir & a closed loop thru cloner. Hope it works as the cloner temps go way high due to the pump & small amount of water to cool it.


Active Member
I have tried to figure out how to cool multiple reservoirs with one chiller...my hydro guy says it can't be done. I believe it can be but I have noooo idea how


Well-Known Member
This idea is much like a wort chiller for beer.
Search wort chiller ideas and you'll get a bunch of interesting information. I say it can be done.

Hydro daze

Active Member
This idea is much like a wort chiller for beer.
Search wort chiller ideas and you'll get a bunch of interesting information. I say it can be done.

thats where i got the idea wort chiller! thought if it could drink it would not hurt plant got to look into it!
other idea was small PC water chiller submerged in res! there cheap! only looking to bring res temp down 5-10 degrees!

Hydro daze

Active Member
Copper is poison to living stuff, Stainless would be a better choice, in my opinion. I am setting up a couple of loops of 1/2 in plastic in the bottom of my 30 spot EZ cloner that come right out of my chiller & then into the resevoir. Open thru resevoir & a closed loop thru cloner. Hope it works as the cloner temps go way high due to the pump & small amount of water to cool it.
Let me know how it goes with the tubing


Well-Known Member
Why not put a manifold on the chiller line out? Just make sure that the pipe connecting the res together can remove more water than the chiller can pump in.