going to do a bit of maintenance this week, have to do a bit of thinning and spray them down too. ive been watching a few spots, some more obvious than others. i thought it was thirps at first, with just your eye thats what it looks like but with scope its not obvious to me whats going on. i cant find any critters at all and the spots look like maby some type of fungus under the scope. i can find no referance material that matches what i see. i really wanted to identify it before i sprayed them down but so far no bueno. the spots are not spreading very much and seem to be isolated on only a few plants. oh well im going to act like a dr and just prescribe something that a broad spectrum antidote, that way it will solve whatever it is reguardless.
great eye bkb n thanks for the heads up. blind my ass lmfao