Bulldogs first journal (I'm a virgin so please be gentle)


Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls! I’m sure a lot of you have noticed my snooping around your journals lately. So, after much deliberation I have decided to post my first journal. It is my goal to keep this grow as low budget as possible, as long as it doesn’t affect the yield. Therefore, everything I will be using except the light and seeds will come from Wallyworld. My last grow was bag seed I got from a concert in Memphis. It turned out ok, but I figured if I’m going to put all this time and effort into it, I should get some kiss ass seeds.

This grow will be conducted in the crawl space under my rental house. During my last grow I dug the floor out to approximately 5ft in depth. So that is my height constraint. I also have a time constraint of July 4, that is when my in-laws will be visiting :spew:and my wife would go completely ape shit if they are not gone by then. My objective is to grow five individuals each from two strains and keep the best female of each to flower.

What I have so far:
  • Five Nirvana White Widow in soil (germinated via paper towel method) since 3-28
  • Pack of 10 Nirvana Bubblicious in route (were mailed 3-18))
  • 400 watt HPS
  • Miracle Grow soil and Shultz Horticulture Perlite, 85/15 soil/perlite
  • One small box fan
Update and pictures to follow when the girls break the soil.

Comments and Suggestion are Welcome!


Well-Known Member
sounds like you are well prepared. i get nervous when the in laws come over to hang out and i got plants growing in the next room lol. also i had to harvest a little early last summer cuz of my parents coming to visit. i harvested and trimmed like 5 plants very quickly and had to convert my spare room from a grow room back to a bedroom in 1 night. it was a bit stressful.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by mastakoosh. Yes, having visitors is very nerve racking. Hopefully, I can get it done before any they arrive. I would hate to have to harvest early.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by mastakoosh. Yes, having visitors is very nerve racking. Hopefully, I can get it done before any they arrive. I would hate to have to harvest early.
if you veg 3-4 weeks then that should give you 8-9 weeks to flower i think. that should be plenty of time to let them fully ripen. :joint: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Haha funny story masta.
Bulldog, sounds like you have all the necessary equipment, cant wait to see some pictuers of your set up, and some sprouting seedlings
Goodluck with this grow, ill probably stop by from time to time



Well-Known Member
Ok, time for my first update.

I came home from the salt mine today to find three of the five WW had broken the soil. Therefore, I decided to go ahead and move whole the operation to the grow room. Still no Bubblicious seeds yet so the show will have to go on without them. Hopefully they will show up soon so that they are not too far behind the WW.

The plan is to keep the lights on for a couple of days and then put them on an 18/6 veg schedule. I really think it does the plants good to get some dark time to do all that chemical reaction stuff. Not to thrilled with the jiffy pots, they seem to dry out too fast. I will transfer the whole gang into their veg pots in about a week.



Well-Known Member
Hello uberpea, thanks for dropping by. I hope have all the equiptment I need, definitely trying to keep it simple.


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacy, thanks for stopping in. I was wondering how long it would take one of you guys to find my journal. If I only do half as good as your grow, I'll be thrilled.


Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls, enough has happened for another update.

All five seedlings broke the soil as of yesterday and today are about 1.5" high. Along with the cotelydons each, plant has its first set of leaflets. Still no bubblicious seeds; I'm starting to wonder if the coppers got them? I will wait a couple more days and start bitching to Nirvana. If they don't arrive I will plant a few more of the WW to make sure I get a couple of good females.

Tune in next time for more upto date action on bulldogs journal. Next time I will take some pics.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes nirvana takes more than they expect, wait a bit longer.
Yay for the seedlings, cant wait to see some pictures



Well-Known Member
Ok ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages. Time for another update!

Except for one runt (who may eventually get chopped), they are all close to three inches today. They actually appear to be stretching a bit. Probably because I'm using a hps for my only light source. I ordered a mh conversion bulb on Monday and will use it for the rest of veg when it arrives, unless it gets lost in limbo with my dam Bubblicious seeds. It would be nice if they both arrived tomorrow.

As promised today's update includes pics of the whole gang.
1. group shot
2-3 a couple of individuals



Well-Known Member
Ok I found your journal. Nice start. Just be patient the seedling stage is a slow one. best of luck I will be watching. If you have any ?'s just shoot! we are here for ya


Well-Known Member
Hello boys and girls, time for another exhilarating installment of bulldog’s saga of clinging to his potheaded youth and horticulture show!

Actually a lot has happened since the last action packed episode. Yesterday my hps to mh conversion bulb arrived and was promptly installed, after I arrived home from the salt mine. High Tech Garden Supply

This morning, during my daily groping of the plants session, I noticed the roots were starting to grow through the bottom of the jiffy pots. Seeing how I vowed to hold true to the poor man’s grow system, stolen from mastacoosh’s broke ass theme, I scrounged around the house and found enough pots to transfer everyone into a new home.

Oh, and to fit in with the cool kids at RIU, I added some mylar around my grow.

Pictures are attached for your amusement and amazement.
  • Group shot in their new homes
  • Angelina’s ass showing threw her old home
  • Angelina looking sexy in her new home

