The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
jingle 400w mh for veg and hope everyone has a good new yerar, i know i am!
the 600w dual spec are not all they are cracked up to e, i am gonna get rid of mine for a 600w hps, buds ended up very dense, too dense.
very tight
make sure you keep them a good distanc e aswell because they seem to be a bit warmer aswell.


Active Member
im on a top up it does have some downsides like electric going out if you forget to top up dodgy if your in a dwc setup lol allready had it happen to me.the only upsides i can see is no bill and you can top up do get an energy usage thing on it but you can buy them anyway i think which tells your energy usage


Well-Known Member
also lads do any of yous know do they sell the canna terra soil in bloomngrow finglas. couldnt see it on thier website. and can i use the biobizz grow bloom topmax with the canna. wanna move awau from the bio bizz all mix.


Well-Known Member
also lads do any of yous know do they sell the canna terra soil in bloomngrow finglas. couldnt see it on thier website. and can i use the biobizz grow bloom topmax with the canna. wanna move awau from the bio bizz all mix.
Yeah they do it but ring ahead, they'd none last time I went.


Well-Known Member
Happy new year folks,

Im with airtricity, I find them ok, I'm sure they are the lowest plus 2 years to the day off the smokes so my smoke is always 100% green


Well-Known Member
cheers har. what sort of money they looking for. and do u think i iwll be ok with the bio nutes
Yeah Biobizz and Canna both infuse their soils with extra Calcium and Magnesium so the nutes should work interchangeably. I'm thinking of trying the Canna soil too, I use Canna nutes but have just always used All-Mix.

Rory Gallagher

Active Member
was just wondering what way you roll your spliffs.
at the moment im at about 60/40 weed/tobacco mix. normal 3 skinner job.
how many of ye go 100% green?
won this of sublbc on youtube during the year
havent smoke a joint or ciggs since


checked my inbox today & found out i won some vaderog seeds
got to love youtube


Well-Known Member
in my 6 years of smokin iv never had a ciggy or a tobacco J, only pure with paper or glass, got a volcano vape too but it rarely gets used.
Lots of glass, water pipes,water bongs, spoon pipes, glass pipes and the handy budbomb.

Happy new year to all.


santa brought me some spider mites, theyre sorta under control now.
Any advice?


Well-Known Member
well lads they hadnt got the canna terra when i called to bllomngeow so had to pick up a 50 ltr bag of all mix. picked up anotherpot aswell(16ltr). so gonna run the 11ltr with that. started to germ my seeds on sunday night so gonna have a little look on them tonight. iusually pop them straight in to thier finishing pots straight from germ but one of my mates puts his in to cups for a week or two. can any one tell me is there any benifit to doing it that way


Well-Known Member
well lads they hadnt got the canna terra when i called to bllomngeow so had to pick up a 50 ltr bag of all mix. picked up anotherpot aswell(16ltr). so gonna run the 11ltr with that. started to germ my seeds on sunday night so gonna have a little look on them tonight. iusually pop them straight in to thier finishing pots straight from germ but one of my mates puts his in to cups for a week or two. can any one tell me is there any benifit to doing it that way
It's easier to water them properly when the container is smaller, not much point watering a big container when the roots are just getting established.


Well-Known Member
And I've decided to add coco to my dwc grow as well, the yield is not too much lower than what I would get from dwc and I don't have to suffer the pain of growing in soil (pests, poor drainage, random lockouts), growing a mother blue cheese now for some clones and hopefully in a month or so I can have a 16 plant see of blue cheese going :d


Well-Known Member
right well ive just put my seeds (3/4 ") in to little diposeable cups. my Q for today is shall i just put the cups straight undermy mh( was thinking about 3or 4 ft), or would i be better off leaving it pn my kitchen counter for a couple of days. ive got an under the counter cfl (F18W/219 T8). my mh is 400w by the way

that should be 219 Teight