Plant is curling and I don't know what is going on!!!!!


Active Member
The plant is almost 2 weeks and Its already starting to curl. It has tiny white dots on one of the real leaf and the brown leaves are turning brown on the bottom. What might I be doing wrong? Below are pics. Those are 13w floru. The temp is pretty cold cuz i had the fan blowing ~59-65degrees. I have antoher 13w hanging from the top about 1.5 inches from the plant. When I dont use the fan the temp gets warm like ~70-80degrees.


Well-Known Member
Keep your temps at 75-80deg night and day, And looks like you have watered way too much. Also get some good CFL lights and move them to the top hanging down. Ive never seen anyone grow with actual old glass light bulbs.


Well-Known Member
You have overwatered,
keep the temp up if you can , 70-80 is good ,
your soil looks heavy and i bet it's struggling to spread its roots , it looks stunted,
add perlite to your soil mix's
if they are incandecent light bulbs you need to change to cfl's those bulbs are useless, about as much good as a 1 legged man at an arse kicking contest umbre!


Active Member
The only way the i can keep the temp up is if i turn on the lights. the soil came like this so should i change to another soil or something?


Well-Known Member
The only way the i can keep the temp up is if i turn on the lights. the soil came like this so should i change to another soil or something?
You need to add more heat aswell as keep the fan on , are you going into flower now ? if not leave lights on 24/7, change them to cfl's and hang above , go to a hardware store , buy some perlite , rinse it through, add it to your soil , say 70/30 mix , 30 perlite,
re-plant in the new soil , it's easy , becareful not to damage roots , water only when you push your finger into the soil say 2 inches and its dry .....trying to keep this simple ......


Active Member
I cant leave the lamps the way they are now? I plan on going to go buy them now. When i was tansferring the seedling the roots looked like they were bunched together....thats not good right? Its still a seedling


Well-Known Member
well when its still a seedling and only a week old (from what you have said) the roots are still young and not branched out , so i would not worry about that , just looking at your soil it looks heavy and wet , you need to lighten it with perlite etc , the roots also need to breath , you are drowning them , my friend , if you do not change the bulbs to cfl's at least , its all pointless anyway , you can not sustain growth with them , i would advise on hanging them above , and to keep your temps up direct fan at plants not at the bulbs , so much is wrong im getting a headache , have you done any research at all ? good luck umbre...


Well-Known Member
lol youll figure it out, hopefully in time before you do any real damage to your plants. right now the biggest threat is that your roots are soaked and not drying out. You could get root rot and at this stage it would be fatal. Like clonex said get some perlite mixed into some soil and transfer the little ones into that, just be carefull not to hurt the roots too much. knock off some of the dirt that doesnt have roots going through it and leave anything that has roots in it or youll just injure the plant. If your in a small space(like a small closet) you could put an incandescent light into a cardboard box and leave it on 24 hours a day to keep the closet warm without having light escaping, or you can actually leave your seedling under 24 hours of light and its fine. The incandescents are good for adding heat but they arent any good for light so dont be fooled. You have 3 13 watt CFL's? That will get you through the next couple days until you get some more watts, try getting a CFL with the highest wattage possible and make sure its a bluer light(daylight, not warmlight). dont knock the seedling over with the fan but set it up so it gently nudges it around, it should dance just a little. That will help the stem grow stronger so that it wont have a tendency to flop over. You dont absolutely need to have the fan on right now, but with only those small cfl's your likely to have a stretching stem which means you do need the fan, plus if there is no air movement, the air will stratify making temperature control nearly impossible.

good luck


Well-Known Member
Your getting all your info here I would take it all and ignore what you think you know. Not being a dick but I had to step back and just listen and all falls into place in time.


Every1 knows that the 'normal' bulbs are not very effective ... BUt 1 big BUT - They can ... CAN with Big words ... YEah you can grow a weed with them ... the main problem is overwatered ..... cause every1 know ... the weed neeeed aaa loooot of WATER ... yeah ... but OUTdooors ... u dont need a FAN right now ... but after 2-3 weeks u have to have it ... GUYS I tried weedd from incadecent light bulbs and just blow my mind ... ITS NOT A PROBLEM TO MAKE A PLANT WITH THEM !!! The problem is just every1 want to VEGGGGGG fast and FLowerrr FAst ... OFC - the better lights the beterr plant ... Enjoy it ;)


Well-Known Member
Every1 knows that the 'normal' bulbs are not very effective ... BUt 1 big BUT - They can ... CAN with Big words ... YEah you can grow a weed with them ... the main problem is overwatered ..... cause every1 know ... the weed neeeed aaa loooot of WATER ... yeah ... but OUTdooors ... u dont need a FAN right now ... but after 2-3 weeks u have to have it ... GUYS I tried weedd from incadecent light bulbs and just blow my mind ... ITS NOT A PROBLEM TO MAKE A PLANT WITH THEM !!! The problem is just every1 want to VEGGGGGG fast and FLowerrr FAst ... OFC - the better lights the beterr plant ... Enjoy it ;)
Did you come up with this masterclass answer all by yourself or did you get help with it ?

Brick Top

New Member
u dont need a FAN right now ... but after 2-3 weeks u have to have it ...
Now, at the stage of growth his seedlings are at, would be a perfect time to have a small fan blowing lightly, not directly on them, but to create enough moving air in this grow room to cause the seedlings to lightly sway.

The lateral stem movement will cause increased stem thickness growth, caliper, and will make for much stronger plants later on.

There is no logic to waiting another 2 to 3 weeks before beginning to use a fan.

GUYS I tried weedd from incadecent light bulbs and just blow my mind ... ITS NOT A PROBLEM TO MAKE A PLANT WITH THEM !!! The problem is just every1 want to VEGGGGGG fast and FLowerrr FAst ... OFC - the better lights the beterr plant

Incandescent bulbs, while not Kelvin rated, are normally in the 2700K to 3300K range, not all that different from some HPS bulbs and even some MH bulbs. Their problem is not so much light spectrum as efficiency. In a way they are similar to CFLs in that to do the job of HID lighting you just need to use more of them, though in the case of incandescent bulbs you need MANY more of them.

The Winter of 1972- 1973, my first attempt at an indoor grow. I used a combination of 150-watt standard incandescent light bulbs and those somewhat purple looking incandescent bulbs that were sold as plant lighting (I do not remember the wattage of them anymore) and I had a harvest. It was not anything close to record setting, but it was far more than I would bet almost every single member here would believe to be impossible.

With there being far better options today it is senseless to use incandescent bulbs, of any type or wattage, but just like with CFls, if enough are used, they will work. You just don't have as many Kelvin temperatures to pick from as CFLs and they do not say what the Kelvin temperature is on their packaging or on the bulbs like CFLs. But the principal is still the same. You have a weak output light bulb that if used in large enough numbers and positioned correctly around a plant or plants will work.

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Yeah i dont wanna say use fan after 2-3 weeks , just want to say that right now the fan is not the main problem. thats it


Well-Known Member
I dunno whats your problem , but what I tried and saw u cant tell me isnt true ... peace ...
I don't have a problem , just your advice is shite , incandecent bulbs give off more heat than light , and cfl's that are cheaper work better so stop dribbling :)
a lit match will also work , but you may burn your fingers umbre....