Club 600


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your job, you sound quite positive about things though which is always good. All the best to you for 2012!!!!
Thanks Bro you too think positive and things change, always something better out there just step my game up in other things plan on making this a year to remember.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Bill, congrats to the wifey and you. We'll just dismiss whatever you say over the next several months, we all know you will be sleep deprived and out of your head.

January second already, where has the time gone? Over eight hundred pages so far in two years, think we can get the page count up to 1500 by the end of this year? I'm happy to report my ak47 x white widow bean has finally decided to see the light of...a t-5. I was ready to stick another bean in between paper towels this morning but instead when I got home there she was poking her beautiful little head out for the world to see.

Put some different cities on my weather app to see what kind of weather some of my brothers around the globe are encountering.


Well-Known Member
My App says, Amsterdam, partly positive can you be, as apposed to mostly cloudy (which is more like it, lol). I am glad my app is looking on the bright side of things. The glass is always half full.


Well-Known Member
Id like to report my best New Years's ever, and welcome my little boy Jordan Matthew to the world. Born this morning at 945, 8 lbs 11 oz :)
AHHHHH man CONGRATS that's beautiful...I got a little 3 month old boy myself, AND 3 yr girl AND 16 yr old boy AND 18 yr old boy LOL....I've been busy LOL...enjoy and congrats again.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to thank JIG & DOOBIE for helping and inspiring me to take the first step towards a dream of mine that for many many years of wanting to learn to play an instrument. I was one of the many teenagers back in the days that used to stand in front of a rock band and start playing with my imaginary guitar :lol::-P. YUP YUP YUP.... anyone remembers STARWOOD in HOLLYWOOD? I was the dude jumping up and down with my rod stewart pants and hairdo. the way price of gas was only 75 cents.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
My App says, Amsterdam, partly positive can you be, as apposed to mostly cloudy (which is more like it, lol). I am glad my app is looking on the bright side of things. The glass is always half full.
Here's your standard weather map of the region:



Well-Known Member
Like back in Alaska.
Odd places to live when you hold a globe in your hand and actually look at where these places are.
Who decided they were such swell places to settle in, and how bad was it where they came from to make it seem like a panacea?
Like the friggin' turnip!
Who first yanked one out of the dirt, or picked one off the ground and tasted it and somehow enjoyed it enough to figure out how to eat it?
(my condolences to all turnip lovers out there: I meant no disrespect to your revered, yet revolting, comestible).
I bet it was done on a dare.

Went something like:

Hey, Gronk, check out this funky cone-like root-thing hanging off this plant!
Some reindeer was scrubbing the tundra with it's ungulated hooves looking for lichen and it accidentally dug this thing up.
It took a bite of it and threw up ALL over the place!
It was freakin' EPIC!
Like that time on "The Clan Guy" when Peterock, Stewrock, Chris Rock and Brrrrian the wolf drank that Ipecac to see who'd get the last piece of stegasaurusberry pie after dinner and they couldn't stop projectile vomiting for like 3 solid notches on the sundial!?
It was like that.
Look at it! it's pale white & a funky purple, and scaly and hard as a rock, and smells kind of rotten.
Taste it!

Gronk no like!
Smell BAD!

Oh, poor baby... what's the matter, is wittle Gwonky too much of a fancy-mouth to try something new?
Too much of a sabertooth cub: eyes still closed and unable to walk yet, wet nursing mama's teats for all they're worth?
Come on!
Try it out!

Okay. Give to Gronk. Me try it....
*nibble, nibble*
Not shabby!
Gronk think it has potential!
What you call it?

It looks like a "Turnip" to me. What do you think?

Gronk like it!



Active Member
Id like to report my best New Years's ever, and welcome my little boy Jordan Matthew to the world. Born this morning at 945, 8 lbs 11 oz :)
Grats BC99, your life just changed forever. Every day is awesome with kids, even when the day sucks, kids are better than any herb you ever smoked. Sometimes they are little shit heads, but others (like right now watching my son imitate Max and Ruby on Nickelodeon) are just precious, and make you feel so elated you might as well be high...

Congrats again.


Well-Known Member
Well, I didn't do anything awesome like buy a guitar kit, or have a baby...
...but I did do this...

"What I Did Over X-mas Vacation"
by DoobieBrother

Smoked a bunch of these:

And grew some of these:

JDB Romulan (*just to show the actual color when away from the Blessed Warmth of the Almighty 600):



Well-Known Member
Awesome brother Doob. Look like happy wittle campers! lol. More than can be said for my lot of YIN's, looking like a bunch of strung out meth addicts, lol.

Onto some stanky, my OG kush from bag seed....whatever people class that as, it was out of a bag, so i say bagseed, others can say what they want.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
My App says, Amsterdam, partly positive can you be, as apposed to mostly cloudy (which is more like it, lol). I am glad my app is looking on the bright side of things. The glass is always half full.
i see you are using the iOptimist app brother :-)


Well-Known Member
Good Afternoon Folks!! Lots of frosty goodness flowing as usual.

So I'm in my tent last night pokin around and I notice 7-10 plants have shot out some Hermy Nuts all of a sudden. None that I can see have fully opened up YET but i'm sure they have in places I cant see. I was planning on going to 10 weeks(thursday will be 9 weeks) but now I think it's time to chop and move on to the next.

What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Good Afternoon Folks!! Lots of frosty goodness flowing as usual.

So I'm in my tent last night pokin around and I notice 7-10 plants have shot out some Hermy Nuts all of a sudden. None that I can see have fully opened up YET but i'm sure they have in places I cant see. I was planning on going to 10 weeks(thursday will be 9 weeks) but now I think it's time to chop and move on to the next.

What would you do?
id let em go,and just give'em a lite mist,here and their,it will not make seed that fast.

but after this grow/crop,i would clean the hell out of that room.IMO