New toy I made


Active Member
oh and has anyone used CO2BOOST
I just used it on a hydro gro. It seems to work as my buds did swell considerably. I had it on a timer with the lights so it only is turned on during lights on cycle.

I have to modify my exhaust as I also had that running at the same time and hope that it did not suck out too much of the co2.

I'm going to install one of those switches that shuts fan off when Co2 is pumping in and will see how that works.

Like anything else, it is hard to guage exactly, but I have heard many positive things about adding c02 during entire flower cycle.



Well-Known Member
cool thanks for the info , i'l have it here tonite so i guess i,ll see what it does to my grow in the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
some guy I talked to gave me some propostrous figure like it gave 1000ppm in a room 10x10 sounds totally farfetched to me but i figure the stuff will definitely not hurt so tonite on light on I will install it and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
yeah i saw it 1000 times they're like my fucking thanks man IÙ'll see what the CO2 does once there , i already bought the stuff anyway might as well use it


Well-Known Member
yeah i saw it 1000 times they're like my fucking thanks man IÙ'll see what the CO2 does once there , i already bought the stuff anyway might as well use it
Good luck with that, we will see if that helps or not!! But like you said you already bought it, and it can't hurt. My babies are looking good, I should get some pics up for you to compare! Hope yours put on a lot of weight! My fingers are crossed! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
hey guys its goin pretty good , things are growin and hopefully the additives i put in last nite will help a lot, I will put up pics tonite of where they are up,


Well-Known Member
hey guys its goin pretty good , things are growin and hopefully the additives i put in last nite will help a lot, I will put up pics tonite of where they are up,
I can't wait to see the pics, and see how far along they are. Also are the hairs turning colors already or still mostly white, and still producing? Keep up the good work!!! Pretty soon, we will be talking about how the millennium smoke is! I hope its good!!! I picked up a half ounce of Romulan yesterday! YUMMY! :)


Well-Known Member
Whats the news? You haven't been posting much lately. Please show some pics, and fill us in on your Progress! Thanks! hope they are getting big! :)


Well-Known Member
thanks simple, yeah thay are gettin there, they are probably slightl;y bigger than the pics on the other page now , i,ll put some pics up tonite. give you a good idea as to where they're at..

peace man


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you are back!! Can't wait to see those pics! I can try to get some pics of mine today if you want to see them too! They are getting big! :)


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:cool i,ll get some too , been smoking a boit too much been laid back, I finiished my PK13/14 treatment today so they go on 1 week lighter nute feed then its pretty much clear water till the 20th about ,,, would love to see pics of yours.!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, here are a couple of pics to give you an idea of the progress, I am now 2 weeks away from harvest approx, for the millenium anda bout a week for the 39, I am ok with the idea of not getting a killer harvest, being a bit hard on myself I guess, I brought my first hydro grow to term and am getting some good smoke to keep goin, all in all its pretty good, I'm slowing down the nutes for a flushing before harvest and I'm preparing for the next grow 240 plants remember? looking for a good clone supplier through a very good source of mine, I'm a lot wiser and in less of a hurry this time , so I not what not to get or do. I want to get my hands on some 45 day flower looking to see what i can get ,



Well-Known Member
So you don't think you will be done until the 20th now? I thought you were going to be done around the 16th? Are you shooting for 50 days? Or do you think it will be longer? I will get some pics of mine real soon, they are looking GREAT! I am very excited. Getting very close! Yours are looking Great Also! I would be very happy if I were you! :)


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, yeah grow i,m shootin for the whole fifty days plus , cuz it is a 50 day plant but since they are not as big as i expected them to become i figure I will give myself a chance to do a little better and stretch the grow to its max. but its surprising anyway how dense and thick the buds are., in my innerself i,m still expecting a little more than people but I think the 39 will have to be harvested real soon its getting very brown and the leaves are yellowing a lot, so its almost time although they are a total disapoitment, I,ll get some good smoke anyway it'll tie me through the next round

I put in a few close up magnified pics that my wife took , just cool to look at



Well-Known Member
The days are getting closer! LOL. So are your hairs turning colors alot now, or still mostly white? Also I started a little grow journal, you should check it out, and see the pics of mine. Talk to you soon!