T-5 or MH?


Well-Known Member
Also if your happy with what you got then cool. Im just spreading the knowledge. If you got the money and want to give it a try then thats cool too. What ever works for you. Everyone dances to a different tune. Happy new year.


Well-Known Member
Have no idea what was meant by that.
I was trying to be nice; you have no idea what you're doing with the plant.

Your ignorance of science should not cause you to become so defensive of your method of growing
Yes, I am ignorant of science with a post-graduate degree in a mathematical field, but clearly I am not so ignorant when it comes to growing lots and lots and lots of Grade-A bud. I'm really not sure what else to say. lol



Well-Known Member
Try harder.
Herein lies the rub: You asked me to contribute. You must have seen a few pics of my plants posted on a previous page, one can only assume that a scientifically-minded individual like yourself clicked on the link in my sig and then looked at my gallery on IC, just as I've looked at your plants here. As such, you have some idea as to who you're talking to, as do I. You're Mr.Firstgrow and I'm a professional. You want to argue and I actually harvest a lot of bud. What do we have in common?


Undercover Cop

Active Member
Ok not first grow, getting going again now after a lengthy hiatus, so my log is documenting my start from scratch. I didnt even look for pics cuz your profile looked pretty barren. Your sig has no link either.

So youre a professional and can run your ideal setup, remember the average grower is the average grower. The Op stated in post#1, he needed to control heat... Then he said he's going T5 for that exact reason. Not everyone can set up a commercial grow, otherwise we wouldn't see people growing with cfl's.

I'm saying, just cuz you don't fully understand something like PAR targeted lighting, don't be so quick to rule it out as an option for others. Contribute positive suggestions, and don't be so quick to criticize others ideas because they aren't perfect for your setup.

Undercover Cop

Active Member
But youre a professional so how can you advise someone who said they wanted only 400w and under $300, that sounds pretty average joe grower to me. Check my sig, the red script... I'm out, I like to help people not argue.


Well-Known Member
Your sig has no link either.
I'll check into that. Thanks. [edit: fixed]

I'm saying, just cuz you don't fully understand something like PAR targeted lighting, don't be so quick to rule it out as an option for others.
You're missing the point. You don't understand these values, either; you just choose to believe. This being said, believe all you want for all I care. It's not me who's about to harvest an eighth, while arguing vehemently on the Internet. Best of luck with your grow.



Well-Known Member
My 2 cents. Its not always about yield. Of course everyone would like a qper per plant. That all depends on strain too. Simon you are doing sativas. Those always yield big. I do mostly indicas. Where uc is he doesnt have access to good strains which he has said many times in other threads. I would rather have a small amount of dank rather than a large amount of crap. Im not saying yours is bad either. Where I am . No one likes sativas. Everyone wants s pure indicas. Ive even done my fair share of sAtivas and even the disensaries dont want them. With that being said, in no way can you compare yields unless you are doing the same strain. I complemented yours simon but you you have to much lower growth tht should be cut off and I can even see some nute burn and they look droopy from not being watered. Thats not at all professional. Uc has nt even started flowering. Those are just a few weeks into veg so we cant say either. Me I just had a plant go into nute lock and I dont understand how because ive been feeding it the same regiment for th last couple years and its less than 2 weeks from being done. I have years and years under my belt. I dont consider myself professional because im always learning something new. I produce better quality than all my friends and most dispensaries. Some of them hate on me for that. To say you are a professional after a year is a little premature and quite obnoxious. Uc you need to chill on tht temper of yours.

Happy growing good luck. Keep the knowledge flowing. No hard feelings people.


Well-Known Member
400W Philips MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide Retro White Lamps, BEST GROW LIGHTS ON THE MARKET HANDS DOWN, Check out the spectrum on these bad boys vrs HPS:
View attachment 1968242

Want to know more? Check out these facts and review: (----->CLICK HERE<-----)
the highest peaks with most energy in both of those are at 550nm and 575 nm. Thats green n yellow. Plants absorb 20% at those nm wavelengths. And thats a lot of wasted light. That greatly lowers the PAR value. Check out aquarium mh . Coralvue se, hagen , and some othrs that I cant think of but they make some good mh's and they are cheap and german made. They dont have any wasted light.


They also sell the t5 I was talking about.

Or also.i came across a newer company called maverick sun. The hps and mh they make have the best spectrum ive seen for hid bulbs.. But I do not know how well they are built. Ive never used them. They look good though.


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents. Its not always about yield.
Simon you are doing sativas.
I mostly run Indica-dom hybrids. The room runs on a schedule, so 8-9 week finish is paramount. My market demands rock-hard bud, and that's a big consideration, as well.

Where uc is he doesnt have access to good strains which he has said many times in other threads.
What do you think happens where I live; Santa shows up with elite clones? lol

I'm not a legal grower in a legal area. I can tell you how I select moms, if you'd like. It's a fairly involved process.

I would rather have a small amount of dank rather than a large amount of crap.
Well yea.

Im not saying yours is bad either.
How could you? I'm fairly well known and you're just a guy on a forum with a bunch of floros. Nothing personal; it's the reality of the situation.

With that being said, in no way can you compare yields unless you are doing the same strain.
I don't pull less than 2oz/ft2 from any plant from any strain, ever. Heh, I take it you don't, right? Tell us all again how great your lights are. At least you get some mileage out of PAR on the forums. I'd rather have a lot more bud. Crazy, I know.

I complemented yours simon but you you have to much lower growth tht should be cut off and I can even see some nute burn and they look droopy from not being watered.
Is this some kind of a joke? Here's the tutorial:


I have years and years under my belt.
Years and years. Then why aren't you very good? Seriously. Your yield with a 1K was absurdly low.

I dont consider myself professional because im always learning something new.
You don't make a living doing this, supporting your family with your garden, do you? Reading between the lines, you seem to think you're very good at this. Get a grip.

To say you are a professional after a year is a little premature and quite obnoxious.
I agree.

No hard feelings people.
I come to RIU to help folks by supporting the Perfect Cure methodology that I developed, so I mostly stick to the Harvesting board. Sometimes I make a post or two in other forums, as I have done here. I have no desire to debate or argue anything. Admittedly, this was fun, as I really don't get a chance to talk to guys like you very often (as in never), but where is the point? What gets resolved? I'll still be doing what I do, pulling enough bud every month to bathe in, and you'll likely still be here arguing about a spectrum or whatever else. Again, this is the reality of all this.

It's as if you guys feel like you need to get some of your own. Fair enough. How about you do that - I mean, get some personal satisfaction - by growing a whole lot of bud, instead of sitting around and arguing on the Internet? What a concept!

Best of luck to you both.



Well-Known Member
the highest peaks with most energy in both of those are at 550nm and 575 nm. Thats green n yellow. Plants absorb 20% at those nm wavelengths. And thats a lot of wasted light. That greatly lowers the PAR value.
Regardless of the peaks its still a much fuller spectrum than any HPS or MH on the market today. Every single person Ive heard of who has used CMH for growing raves about the excellent results and one thing you simply can not argue with is results, so regardless of this "wasted light" they must be doing something right? From what I hear using a 600W HPS with a 400W CMH produces incredibly sticky, crystal coated, extremely resinous & dense buds similar to an outdoor grow under the sun, YET MORE POTENT! I would love to see a side by side comparison of a 400W HPS and a 400W CMH grow, I think I'll start a thread asking if someone has the means to do it because I sure don't, lol.


Well-Known Member
I mostly run Indica-dom hybrids. The room runs on a schedule, so 8-9 week finish is paramount. My market demands rock-hard bud, and that's a big consideration, as well.

What do you think happens where live; Santa shows up with elite clones? lol

I'm not a legal grower in a legal area. I can tell you how I select moms, if you'd like. It's a fairly involved process.

Well yea.

How could you? I'm fairly well known and you're just a guy on a forum h a bunch of floros. Nothing personal; it's the reality of the situation.

I don't pull less than 2oz/ft2 from any plant from any strain, ever. Heh, I take it you don't, right? Tell us all again how great your lights are. At least you get some mileage out of PAR on the forums. I'd rather have a lot more bud. Crazy, I know.

Is this some kind of a joke? Here's the tutorial:


Years and years. Then why aren't you very good? Seriously. Your yield with a 1K was absurdly low.

You don't make a living doing this, supporting your family with your garden, do you? Reading between the lines, you seem to think you're very good at this. Get a grip.

I agree.

I come to RIU to help folks by supporting the Perfect Cure methodology that I developed, so I mostly stick to the Harvesting board. Sometimes I make a post or two in other forums, as I have done here. I have no desire to debate or argue anything. Admittedly, this was fun, as I really don't get a chance to talk to guys like you very often (as in never), but where is the point? What gets resolved? I'll still be doing what I do, pulling enough bud every month to bathe in, and you'll likely still be here arguing about a spectrum or whatever else. Again, this is the reality of all this.

It's as if you guys feel like you need to get some of your own. Fair enough. How about you do that - I mean, get some personal satisfaction - by growing a whole lot of bud, instead of sitting around and arguing on the Internet? What a concept!

Best of luck to you both.

It also.depends on how long u veg for. I only veg for 4weeks in soil. I average 50g per pure indica. And my hybrids pull about 75-90 per plant under my floros and they are denser than they ever were under my 1k. Because there iw so much more infrared by 30% more.. My last under my 1k was 19 zips and u have no idea abouth surviving off of this. Luckily im a legal grower.The shitty thing is dispensaries will low ball you no matter what price you ask. If you ver grown real master kush you would know its the slowest vegging strain around. But tye budsvget huge. But since it grows so slow it doeant produce much. I do mostly pure indicas. Nonebof which yield much. Prices out here are rediculously low. A pond of the dankest kush goes for 2500. When just a few years agobit was double that. I know my shit dnt stink I know im awesome. I dont go around telling everyone that. Anyway tye weed speaks for its self and all mine 100% organic. Only feed them teas.. from wht you said your strains are mstly sativa dominant so those. Veg a lot faster and produce much larger buds than pur indicas.

I cant help how close minded you are. I will.take the word of a scientis, botanist, or horticulturist over some stoner kid any day.


Well-Known Member
It also.depends on how long u veg for. I only veg for 4weeks in soil. I average 50g per pure indica. And my hybrids pull about 75-90 per plant under my floros and they are denser than they ever were under my 1k. Because there iw so much more infrared by 30% more.. My last under my 1k was 19 zips and u have no idea abouth surviving off of this. Luckily im a legal grower.The shitty thing is dispensaries will low ball you no matter what price you ask. If you ver grown real master kush you would know its the slowest vegging strain around. But tye budsvget huge. But since it grows so slow it doeant produce much. I do mostly pure indicas. Nonebof which yield much. Prices out here are rediculously low. A pond of the dankest kush goes for 2500. When just a few years agobit was double that. I know my shit dnt stink I know im awesome. I dont go around telling everyone that. Anyway tye weed speaks for its self and all mine 100% organic. Only feed them teas.. from wht you said your strains are mstly sativa dominant so those. Veg a lot faster and produce much larger buds than pur indicas.
You'll have to forgive me for not taking the time to go through all this again.

I cant help how close minded you are.
Ironically enough, I'm shopping for another 4' T5 fixture to add to the two I already own. Let's get something positive out of this; perhaps you can recommend one? There's a width constraint: It can't be any wider than 11.75" - no way, no how - as it needs to fit between the supports of a shelf-like structure. So far I've found a (SS) New Wave that's ~11" wide and a Fluorogrow whose quality I know nothing about that's ~9" wide. Do you know of anything else I should be looking at?



Well-Known Member
You'll have to forgive me for not taking the time to go through all this again.

Ironically enough, I'm shopping for another 4' T5 fixture to add to the two I already own. Let's get something positive out of this; perhaps you can recommend one? There's a width constraint: It can't be any wider than 11.75" - no way, no how - as it needs to fit between the supports of a shelf-like structure. So far I've found a (SS) New Wave that's ~11" wide and a Fluorogrow whose quality I know nothing about that's ~9" wide. Do you know of anything else I should be looking at?

I like the quantum badboy. each reflector is vented.runs on 120 or 240. Does not xome with bulbs. They have a 4 bulb that is 47x 12. Then on ebay look for the seller growzebo. He has 4 bulb that is a hydrofarm knockoff. Its cheap and its 46 x 13. Comes with bulbs and it works good. The new waves arw good too. I sent an email to maverick sun about their t5 but have not heard back. Sunblaze an hydro farm mke a 4 bulb. Around the right dimensions too.


Well-Known Member
Here we go again.....

A friend of mine must've listened to you Hyroot, he just tried to flower some plants under a couple 8 bulb t5's, he even bought all of the fancy aquarium bulbs.. He turned out a bunch of junk...

His harvest was un-impressive to say the least.

T5's just do not penetrate as much as HID... therefore your crop is going to suffer the results of that. I don't give a rats ass about the PAR of your bulb mix, it's just not going deep enough. I'm sure you can dial it in and get some decent smoke, but you will never outperform HID with T5's. :)

I would even give your methods a chance if you were just talking about veg stage, but saying t5's will out-flower HID... Your nutz.

Like I said, not saying you can't grow some fine buds, but you won't yield what a HID would.


Well-Known Member
Here we go again.....

A friend of mine must've listened to you Hyroot, he just tried to flower some plants under a couple 8 bulb t5's, he even bought all of the fancy aquarium bulbs.. He turned out a bunch of junk...

His harvest was un-impressive to say the least.

T5's just do not penetrate as much as HID... therefore your crop is going to suffer the results of that. I don't give a rats ass about the PAR of your bulb mix, it's just not going deep enough. I'm sure you can dial it in and get some decent smoke, but you will never outperform HID with T5's. :)

I would even give your methods a chance if you were just talking about veg stage, but saying t5's will out-flower HID... Your nutz.

Like I said, not saying you can't grow some fine buds, but you won't yield what a HID would.

his crop suffering is probably not due to th lights. And doubt hes already finished it already. Me and several people have proved it works just as good. produces better quality.. What size light did he use, what bulbs did he use, what order did he put the bulbs in? How far away was the light? What was his environment like? What strains did he do? How long did he veg for? Does he know anything about horticulture? There are a million factors other than light. I pulled 11 oz off a 10 sq ft are from one 8bulb t5.. Buds are same size but denser and much better quality. So you can hate all you want. The science backs it up andbits been proven that it works several times.. Prof pulled over a qp off 2 plants under a a t5. On of my other friends pulled almost 2 lbs under 16 bulbs and he had a spider mite issues.

could you pull 11 under one 600? my t5 puts out 432 watts. If I added 10 mote bulbs that would be pushing 972 watts and blow away a 1k hid. Wuth my t5 I matched per square ft and per watt of my 1k. You cant compare per plant because every plant grows differently.

IVe shown several pics proving it too. Even with a side by side comparison of hid. Until you can show proof. I dont believe you. Before all you did was talk shit. Here you are doing it again.

I love haters. They reasure me that im doing something right.


Well-Known Member
Me and several people have proved it works just as good.
No, you didn't. You pulled less than an ounce per square foot. The constant attempts to spin the truth are becoming annoying.

All this talk of science piqued my curiosity. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I have my post-grad in a mathematical field and I don't consider myself qualified to fully gauge the true application of the asserted values. Can you please tell the group what qualifies you to cite "science" at every turn?



Well-Known Member
No, you didn't. You pulled less than an ounce per square foot. The constant attempts to spin the truth are becoming annoying.

All this talk of science piqued my curiosity. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I have my post-grad in a mathematical field and I don't consider myself qualified to fully gauge the true application of the asserted values. Can you please tell the group what qualifies you to cite "science" at every turn?

You have a degree in mathematics. yet you cant do a math equation that you learned in first grade. 2.5 sq ft x 4 sq ft = 10 sq ft. 309g / 10 sq ft = 30.9 g per sq ft. Those werw an average of 18 invhes to 2 feet tall. I stated all the issues I had and still produced that.

That is less than 12 oz its barely ove 11 so.my math was wrong there.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the compliment. I still cannot understand how you managed to pull the same under both lights, especially with a digital ballast. Over how many square feet? Simon
3 x 4 and its because high par spectrum. The bulbs I use put out 70% to 80% more usable light than hid. was very skeptical first. But after the results I was so happy.
Here you are specifically citing a 3x4 room and you actually seemed to believe the yield was good, citing "high par spectrum" as the catalyst.

You have a degree in mathematics. yet you cant do a math equation that you learned in first grade. 2.5 sq ft x 4 sq ft = 10 sq ft. 309g / 10 sq ft = 30.9 g per sq ft. Those werw an average of 18 invhes to 2 feet tall. I stated all the issues I had and still produced that.
Now that you've exposed yourself to a glimpse of reality, which totally and completely does not agree with your religious fervor, you decided to spin the story into something more palpable. Guess what, the yield still sucks.

I actually feel bad for UC. He seemed to have bought into your bullshit, and now he's seeing just how full of crap you are. Hell, you can't even keep your stories straight from one page to the next. It's always a mumbling of the facts. But, you'll argue and ague and argue, talking about the years and years of growing, when you can't produce shit.

All this spinning of the truth essentially amounts to lying. You're insulting the forum's intelligence. I asked you a direct question, one which you conveniently forgot to answer. To refresh your recollection, can you please tell the group what qualifies you to correctly gauge the true application of the cited values and to harass other members by invoking science at every turn?
