Ron Paul Has A Legit Shot.

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That's a very good reason to fix the EPA. It's also a really terrible reason to get rid of it. Perfect example in the flawed logic of Ron Paul and his supporters.

yes cuz my flawed logic actually knew the EPA dose not actually clean anything.

How hard is to understand that ron paul wants to get rid of federal department. The state would now be regulating pollution and would have a vastly superior advantage compared to a chairman that sits in a room 2000 miles away from the site.

You think Ron Paul = anarchy let everyone defend for them self's

Ron Paul supporters Like :state control of a more centralized area where they can hear the complants of the people that live within it.
Oh good. So if you rent somewhere and you're kids die from poison water I guess it's their own fault for drinking water. Good thinking.

And having people who make $30k a year try and take on multibillion dollar corporations in court should be very amusing.

Invalid argument, there are thousands of lawyers who work on contingency, their mouths salivating uncontrollably over a legitimate case.

My observation today: Ron Paul has a good chance in Iowa simply because of his stance on drugs, because Iowa has one of the strictest drug policies in the nation. 1 ounce = felony.
yes cuz my flawed logic actually knew the EPA dose not actually clean anything.

Again, a great reason to improve the EPA, a terrible reason to get rid of it.

Thanks for proving my point again.

How hard is to understand that ron paul wants to get rid of federal department.

It's very easy to understand. Just because I disagree with Ron Paul doesn't mean I'm failing to understand what he is proposing.
Again, lack of perfection is not a good reason to stop trying, it's a reason to try harder.

Thanks for proving my point everyone.

Your concerns with a clean environment are well founded. Why would you want the entity that has proven it is irresponsible (government) to regulate it ? When a disencentive (restitution) is in place, free market companies quickly learn that pollution is costly. The government has no incentive not to pollute or to arbitrate fairly.

Mary Ruart called...she said she wants to talk to you.
Again, a great reason to improve the EPA, a terrible reason to get rid of it.

Thanks for proving my point again.

But you don't quote the part that shows you how removing the EPA will improve the overall effectiveness of pollution protection.

Its ok

So if pollution protection isn't your goal what point are your trying to make?
So drill a well then.

And I grew up without fluoride in my water. Trust me, it's overrated, expensive, and painful.

Cant drill a well, to much beauocracy
And with all the fracking the EPA lets these big companies do I'm afraid the water isn't safe to drink even if I could.
Going to have to buy clean water from T-Boone Pickins
Maybe fracking should be better regulated.

people should unite and decide certain things are just not to be done, why do I have to be exposed to fuckishima, I don't think anyone should be allowed to do that stuff, nerds are evil and they shouldn't be messing with stuff, people shouldn't tolerate crazy experiments and technolegy and weapons- it should be the rules that you cant do things that can harm others without their consent.
That's why I want a doctor for president, Ron Paul took the hippocratic oath

What was the majority's attitude/opinion when you called about Ron Paul?

Very positive, and i'm talking about thousands of calls
had a few that will not vote for him but many people said they are, these people were the majority, a good deal of other people were receptive and open minded and nice but wouldn't say who their voting for or said they aren't sure yet, a couple people liked Bachman and mentioned her. Had some people say they were Democrats but a couple of them even wished me luck. I think Paul is going to win Iowa by a large margin
Going to start talking to people from New Hampshire tomorrow.
Very positive, and i'm talking about thousands of calls
had a few that will not vote for him but many people said they are, these people were the majority, a good deal of other people were receptive and open minded and nice but wouldn't say who their voting for or said they aren't sure yet, a couple people liked Bachman and mentioned her. Had some people say they were Democrats but a couple of them even wished me luck. I think Paul is going to win Iowa by a large margin
Going to start talking to people from New Hampshire tomorrow.

what is that his phone from home campaign
Great point, they ae purposefully slow killing us, we are vermin to them. GMO foods that sterilize rats by the thrid generation. That kill cells and cause organ failure and cancer. Mercury now in the godawful corn syrup that is in everything. Kills braincells massively to dumb us down and feed us full of shit with their mainstream media that they own entirely. Chris Mathews, Bill O 'reily and all the others are not your friends. So anybody comes along that cant be bought is labeled as a Crazy Uncle. They are bigger whores than the bought off Senators and Congresmen. We are Vermin to the Elites at best Cattle in their eyes. This carbon tax is just another way to fleece the stupid sheep. So now that the truth is leaking out they need to plug the leak with their internet protection acts, which really means censorship. I knew this wouldnt last. I hope Ron Paul arrests them all when he is president. Waterboards them until they confess their nefarious deeds. After all it aint torture according to Bush.

I wouldn't put fluoride in my water...
Great point, they ae purposefully slow killing us, we are vermin to them. GMO foods that sterilize rats by the thrid generation. That kill cells and cause organ failure and cancer. Mercury now in the godawful corn syrup that is in everything. Kills braincells massively to dumb us down and feed us full of shit with their mainstream media that they own entirely. Chris Mathews, Bill O 'reily and all the others are not your friends. So anybody comes along that cant be bought is labeled as a Crazy Uncle. They are bigger whores than the bought off Senators and Congresmen. We are Vermin to the Elites at best Cattle in their eyes. This carbon tax is just another way to fleece the stupid sheep. So now that the truth is leaking out they need to plug the leak with their internet protection acts, which really means censorship. I knew this wouldnt last. I hope Ron Paul arrests them all when he is president. Waterboards them until they confess their nefarious deeds. After all it aint torture according to Bush.

it actually helps you have harder more durable teeth
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